A Snapshot in Time with Kristine Stone by K.S. Ruff

I’m sipping Chianti and contemplating my future in the Windbag Saloon, a dark, rustic bar nestled in Helena’s historic Last Chance Gulch. At age 28, I’m still trying to figure out who I am and what I want to do with my life. Why? Because I’ve spent my entire...

A Day in the Life of Corrie Locke by Lida Sideris

I don’t know why Dru asked me to tell her readers about a day in my life. It’s nothing special. I’m just an ordinary, twenty-six-year-old female living in a cozy little bootleg unit near the beach in Southern California. I get up every morning like the rest of you,...

A Not So Typical Day with Jane Ryland by Hank Phillippi Ryan

I don’t know how it is in your family, but I’m a victim of birth order. And funny, “Jane Ryland” and “victim” have probably never been in the same sentence unless it’s about someone I’ve helped with an investigative story, gotten them restitution, or justice. What’s...

A Day in the Life with Kate Spencer by Teresa LaRue

A typical day in my life . . . there’s no such thing. Not with the trouble-magnet in my life known as my mother. But maybe I should backup and introduce myself. My name is Kate Spencer. My mother Happy and I co-own the Flower Patch, a small gardening center along the...