A Day In My Life ~ Kendall Good by Angela Henry

As far as work parties went, this one wasn’t bad. Of course, I’d probably enjoy it more if the party wasn’t for me. My plan for my last day had been to sneak out an hour early to avoid all the goodbyes, both genuine and insincere. Because some of my coworkers...

A Day In My Life ~ Annalee Spain by Patricia Raybon

Streetcars in Denver run late. Rarely on the money. So, I’ve been up since six. Early starts give me a sharp edge on ruthless days, and this day promises to be cutthroat. First, I’m riding out to the high-brow seminary west of town. For a place purporting to be of...

A Day In My Life ~ Maggie O’Shea by Helaine Mario

Seven months ago, I almost drowned. Late at night, as I was crossing an ancient bridge in Cornwall, a car roared from the shadows and flung me into the icy river below. I was sinking into blackness when a stranger found me. As for the man who ordered my death… he is...

A Day In My Life ~ Beth Ralston by Mary Keliikoa

If you asked my sister, Lindsay, what a typical day in my life is like, you’d fall asleep listening to her answer. She describes me as a workaholic. Like work is all I care about. Holding a different view than my big sister is pretty much our norm. Just don’t tell her...