A Day In My Life ~ Ash Branson by Alex Erickson

Waking up alone isn’t easy when you’re used to having someone there. There was a time when I, Ashley Cordelia Branson—Ash to everyone but my mother—had my entire life planned out. I worked at the family business, Branson Designs. I was going to get married to my then...

A Day In My Life ~ Therese Brewer by Stacie Grey

I came out onto the sidewalk in front of my apartment building and turned right, running at an easy pace, but I could still already feel the sweat running down my back. I had lived in the District for close to ten years now, and Florida before that, but my body still...

A Day In My Life ~Thomas Burkhardt by M.A. Monnin

Thomas here. Thomas Burkhardt. I don’t usually go on holiday. I live for my job—head of INTERPOL’S Artifact Retrieval Team—ART for short. We’re under the Cultural Heritage Department. You might have seen the news reports about the return of the Akrotiri Snake Goddess,...

A Day In My Life ~ Molly Stewart by Ruth J. Hartman

Hey there! This is Molly Stewart, checking in from my Fabulous Felines Salon mobile cat grooming van. Today, I worked on twin sphynx cats who live with their octogenarian human moms. Those ladies and their furless babies are always a treat! Lately, I’ve been super...

A Day In My Life ~ Bee Cardello by S.K. Golden

Another Saturday, another soccer game. Bee’s ex was out of town, so she actually got to enjoy their son’s final soccer game alone. Well, enjoy was pushing it, as his team was losing, and the kids were all covered in dirt and grass and sweat and as luck would have it,...