A Day In The Life ~ Agnes Odboddy by Elaine Faber

Mrs. Odboddy’s Amazing Adventures My name is Agnes Agatha Odboddy. I live with my Siamese cat, Ling-Ling, and my granddaughter, Katherine. She lost her fiancé last year at Pearl Harbor. Katherine works at the Curls to Dye For Beauty Salon, and does the hair and...

A Day In My Life ~ Minnie Johnson by Traci Wilton

Hi! I’m Minnie Johnson, and I’m the housekeeper here at Charlene’s B and B. She credits me for keeping things delicious in the kitchen, but I would do anything for that young woman. She was so brave to leave behind all she knew in Chicago after her husband died to...

A Day In My Life ~ Kate Ludlow by Mary Karnes

Today is one of my favorite days in my wedding world. I am going wedding dress shopping with one of my spring brides. I love the magical moment when a woman looks in the mirror at her image in ‘the dress,’ and sees not herself, but a bride. I feel so lucky when I get...

A Day In My Life ~ Harriet Morrow by Rob Osler

“Drat!” Harriet Morrow shouted into the cacophony surrounding her. The swarm of pedestrians, buggies, carts, streetcars, other bicyclists, and the occasional motorized contraption—an invention Harriet welcomed to the roadways as a picnicker would an army of ants—made...

A Day in My Life ~ Carrie Faraday by Millie Mack

Hi, I’m Carrie Faraday, and along with my husband Charles, we’ve developed a skill for solving murders. In fact, we’re rather good at it. I’ll start at the beginning, but I can’t talk for too long. I’ve baked some cookies, and they’re cooling in the kitchen. Knowing...