Author Showcase ~ Southern Heat by David Burnsworth

Gunshots echo down an antebellum Charleston alley. Brack Pelton, an ex-racecar driver and Afghanistan War veteran, witnesses the murder of his hippie uncle, Reggie Sails. Darcy Wells, the pretty Palmetto Pulse reporter, investigates Reggie’s murder and targets Brack....

Author Showcase ~ How to Paint a Cat by Rebecca M. Hale

WHAT’S WRONG WITH THIS PICTURE? San Francisco isn’t the biggest city in the country, but it feels pretty vast when you’re canvassing its neighborhoods looking for clues to your missing uncle’s hidden location. Aided by my two cats, Rupert and Isabella, I try to follow...

Author Showcase ~ Board Stiff by Annelise Ryan

Sorenson, Wisconsin’s deputy coroner Mattie Winston is back on the job. . .in a nursing home examining the body of Bernie Chase–the now former president of the Twilight Home’s board of directors–who is covered in a powder used to turn liquids...

SPECIAL Killer Image Charity Giveaway from Wendy Tyson

Hey, peeps! If you love KILLER IMAGE, today is your lucky day. Henery Press will be donating 15 original-cover copies of KILLER IMAGE (left side) to one lucky winner’s favorite charity. Here’s how to enter: On FACEBOOK: “Like” Henery Press and leave a comment with...

Berkley Prime Crime Celebrates 20 Years in March

Twenty years ago, in March 1994, Berkley Books introduced Berkley Prime Crime, a mass market mystery imprint that included five launch authors. This year, Berkley celebrates the 20th anniversary of Prime Crime with special author events and promotional giveaways. In...