Jun 10, 2023 | A Word With The Author
Why do you write the genre that you write?I write what I love to read. Cozies have been one of my favorite genres to read since elementary, so it seemed a natural choice to begin my writing career with one. I love the whodunit aspect of cozies. Characters and setting...
Jun 3, 2023 | A Word With The Author
Why do you write the genre that you write?I don’t really write in one genre—I tend to bend and blend them. Probably because I read across so many. I enjoy a wide variety of books, and I write what I enjoy reading. What’s the quirkiest quirk one of your characters...
May 27, 2023 | A Word With The Author
Why do you write the genre that you write?I write in the mystery genre because that’s what I love to read. I enjoy all mysteries but I specifically enjoy reading amateur sleuth mysteries because they are about ordinary people. Like many other crime writers, I grew up...
May 20, 2023 | A Word With The Author
Why do you write the genre that you write?Short answer, because planting bodies and clues in books is more socially acceptable than burying them in my backyard. The longer answer is that I write traditional/cozy mysteries because they offer readers what real life so...
May 13, 2023 | A Word With The Author
Why do you write the genre that you write?I write cozy mysteries, but they are more traditional. No crafting, cooking recipes, and only an occasional pet. My main character in my Endurance mysteries, Grace Kimball, is a TERRIBLE cook. I am more serious than cute cozy,...
May 6, 2023 | A Word With The Author
Why do you write the genre that you write?I have loved mysteries since Scooby-Doo and Nancy Drew. I read a lot of genres, but I’m always drawn to mysteries, especially cozy mysteries. I love the quirky characters, fun small towns, interesting jobs, and the pet...