Apr 29, 2023 | A Word With The Author
Why do you write the genre that you write?Having worked in law enforcement for 22 years, I decided to write police procedural thrillers after hanging up my gun belt. What’s the quirkiest quirk one of your characters has?In the Detective Cruz series, I wrote a...
Apr 22, 2023 | A Word With The Author
Why do you write the genre that you write?I love reading mysteries, and love writing mysteries that take place in cozy surroundings—in a town where everyone knows everyone else. Cozy mysteries come in series. I love writing a series, seeing how my protagonist grows...
Apr 15, 2023 | A Word With The Author
Why do you write the genre that you write?I think I’m drawn to thrillers and procedurals partially because it’s where I lived for the better part of thirty years. You learn a lot about people in prison, their character, what motivates them, and how far they’ll go to...
Apr 8, 2023 | A Word With The Author
Why do you write the genre that you write?I’ve always been a huge Stephen King fan, so when I started writing, I wanted to o be the black Stephen King. But I also loved Terri McMillan and her stories of family drama. So I’ve combined the two to write dark...
Apr 1, 2023 | A Word With The Author
Why do you write the genre that you write?I write cozy mysteries because they are lighthearted stories with a happy ending. The villain is always caught, and nobody is badly hurt. Cozies have a fantasy element in this way, because in real life you might not get such a...
Mar 25, 2023 | A Word With The Author
Why do you write the genre that you write?When I began writing seriously with a view to publication 25 years ago, I wrote science-based technothrillers similar to what Michael Crichton wrote because these were the kind of books I liked to read. Switching to...