A Word With Clea Simon

Now it’s time to learn more about the authors we read. . .   Why do you write the genre that you write? I primarily read crime fiction, so it seemed natural to me. What’s the quirkiest quirk one of your characters has? Em Kelton, the heroine of Bad Boy Beat,...

A Word With Hallie Ephron

Now it’s time to learn more about the authors we read. . .   Why do you write the genre that you write? I blame P. D. James’s AN UNSUITABLE JOB FOR A WOMAN, the first modern mystery I read. It hooked me on mystery novels with believable, relatable female...

A Word With Susie Black

Now it’s time to learn more about the authors we read. . .   Why do you write the genre that you write? I came to write in the cozy mystery genre because I love solving puzzles. My parents would certainly confirm I have always asked tons of questions. They say...

A Word With Becky Clark

Now it’s time to learn more about the authors we read. . .   Why do you write the genre that you write? I guess the short answer is because mysteries are what I like to read. The longer answer is that I defaulted to cozies because I’m not romantic so can’t write...

A Word With Karen E. Olson

Now it’s time to learn more about the authors we read. . .   Why do you write the genre that you write? I used to want to write something more in the vein of the early Oprah books, but after a while I realized many of the women characters were victims. In the...

A Word With Claire Booth

Now it’s time to learn more about the authors we read. . .   Why do you write the genre that you write? I write mysteries because that’s what I’ve always loved to read, ever since I was a kid. I like the puzzle aspect of it, and the opportunity to get to know the...