A Word With Ginger Bolton

Now it’s time to learn more about the authors we read. . .   Why do you write the genre that you write? Cozy mysteries are fun to write, and also satisfying—the good guys win, and the bad guys lose. What’s the quirkiest quirk one of your characters has? Emily’s...

A Word With Jennifer K. Morita

Now it’s time to learn more about the authors we read. . .   Why do you write the genre that you write? I write traditional mysteries because of my mom, who gave me my first Nancy Drew book. My mom is also the one who got me hooked on Phyllis A. Whitney, Mary...

A Word With Katherine Hall Page

Now it’s time to learn more about the authors we read. . .   Why do you write the genre that you write? While I read in all genres—in the mystery one everything from Noir to Cozies—I like Traditional Mysteries best and it felt like a good fit when I came to write...

A Word With Mary Kennedy

Now it’s time to learn more about the authors we read. . .   Why do you write the genre that you write? Writing a mystery is like solving a puzzle. It’s fun to make all the pieces fit together and best of all, justice wins out in the end. What’s the quirkiest...

A Word With Lisa Q. Mathews

Now it’s time to learn more about the authors we read. . .   Why do you write the genre that you write? I think about this every time I sit down to write. I enjoy cozy mysteries because, in addition to the puzzle-solving aspects, I love the idea that a seemingly...

A Word With Jenna Bennett

Now it’s time to learn more about the authors we read. . .   Why do you write the genre that you write? I write, or have written, in practically every genre there is, from mystery to romance to science fiction. I read almost everything, so I get story ideas for...