I’m excited to share with you the cover reveal for the next book in the “Ditie Brown” mystery series, coming September 2021 and is up for preorder.

Book Synopsis
Mabel Aphrodite Brown (Ditie) is thrilled when her best friend, Lurleen, wants to buy a 1920s mansion and create a cooking school in Atlanta. An old murder in the house simply adds spice to their intentions.

“It’s a perfect plan!” Lurleen says. “A new house and an old murder, what more could a girl want?” But “a perfect storm” might be a more accurate description. Conflicting forces swirl around Lurleen even before she purchases the house. A rose garden welcomes her, but someone else threatens her with bodily harm. Ditie can’t stay in the mansion all the time to protect her friend. She has her work in the refugee clinic and two children who need her. Will the force of good or evil triumph in a house so full of secrets?

Purchase Link

Publication Date: September 15, 2021
Format: Digital and Print
Name of Series: Ditie Brown Mystery
Number in Series: #4
Genre: Cozy
Author website: Sarah Osborne, Mystery Author

About the author
Sarah Osborne is the pen name of a native Californian who lived in Atlanta for many years and now lives on Cape Cod. She’s a physician and part-time activist who writes cozy mysteries for the same reason she reads them—to find comfort in a sometimes difficult world. She writes the Ditie Brown Mysteries and the Flo and Maude Christmas series. Visit her website at doctorosborne.com or on Facebook at Sarah Osborne, Mystery Author. All her books are available on Amazon.

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