Dalton Vail first appeared in Permed to Death and one of the best ways to learn about a person is by asking questions, so let’s get to know Dalton.

What is your name?
Dalton Vail.

How old are you?
I’m 47 years old.

What is your profession?
Homicide Detective.

Do you have a significant other?
My wife, Marla. We met when she was a suspect in a local murder case.

What is her name and profession?
Hairstylist Marla Vail.

Any children?
I have a teenage daughter from a previous marriage. My wife and I are expecting a new baby.

Do you have any siblings?
No, I’m an only child.

Do your parents live near you?
They have a condo in Delray Beach, about 45 minutes away.

Who is your best friend?
My wife. Otherwise, I hang out with my friends from work.

Cats, dogs or other pets?
Two dogs. Spooks is our poodle and Lucky is a golden retriever.

What town do you live in?
Palm Haven, Florida.

Type of dwelling and do you own or rent?
Single family ranch-style house.

What is your favorite spot in your home?
Family room in front of the TV.

Favorite meal and dessert?
I have a fondness for lasagna. Meat loaf and mashed potatoes are a close second. Blueberry pie for dessert. I grew up with Maine blueberries, but Florida has a thriving blueberry-growing industry.

Favorite hobby?
I like to grow tomatoes. Then I get to eat the fruit of my labors. Otherwise, crossword puzzles help me focus.

Favorite color?
Green. It’s the color of nature.

Favorite author?
Nobody in particular. I tend to read biographies of our founding fathers and of famous inventors, history books on the American Revolution, and other nonfiction.

Favorite vacation spot?
I enjoyed our trip to Arizona, so that would be high on my list right now. I like to visit places of historical significance and natural wonders. Washington D.C. is one of my favorite cities. I’d really like to see London one day when we have enough time to spend there. Greece and Rome are on my bucket list, too, as are the national parks out west like Yellowstone and Yosemite. Colonial Williamsburg and Monticello are other places of interest.

Favorite sports team?
New England Patriots.

Movies or live theater?

Are you a morning or a night person?

Amateur or professional sleuth and whom do you work with?
I am a homicide detective in the Palm Haven police force. I work with other detectives in our division.

In a few sentences, what is a typical day in your life like?
After breakfast, we’ll take the dogs out. Then I go into the office. My job is mostly paperwork unless we have a case. Then we canvas neighborhoods, interview persons of interest, track down potential suspects and witnesses. I like doing the field work myself. On weekends, we go to the park for a nature walk. It calms my mind to view the trees and plants. At home, I’ll stay out of Marla’s way in the kitchen. She likes to do the cooking mostly herself. I may work the crossword puzzle in the newspaper since we have a daily subscription. Or I’ll watch the news on TV. She’ll go to bed and I’ll stay up watching history shows or science channels. That’s my routine. It’s broken when we have a case. That means late days and weekends at work.

Giveaway: Leave a comment below for your chance to win one (1) digital (Kindle or Nook) copy of Easter Hair Hunt. Contest ends April 4, 2020. Good luck everyone!

Easter Hair Hunt is the 16th book in the “Bad Hair Day” cozy mystery series, released March 10, 2020.

Hare today, dead tomorrow. . . Can a stylish sleuth pull a rabbit out of her hat to solve an Easter murder in this to-dye-for cozy mystery?

When hairstylist Marla Vail attends an Easter egg hunt at historic Tremayne Manor, she’s only there to fix hair for a client, Bonnie “Blinky” Morris. But when she’s asked to comb the grounds for leftover goodies, Marla discovers more than just a few dyed eggs. The dead body in the bunny costume is definitely not having a good hare day. And Blinky seems to have disappeared down a rabbit hole.

When trying to solve a murder, everyone needs a friend who’s all ears. For Marla, that’s her husband, homicide detective Dalton Vail. They make an eggcellent team. Dalton isn’t the kind to leap to conclusions, but with his wife seven months pregnant, and knowing Marla finds crime-solving to be irresistible, he worries about her running off on another hare-raising adventure.

Marla’s peeps are hoping for a happy ending, but she may have found a basketful of trouble this time. Can she crack the case before Blinky becomes the next victim?

Recipes Included!

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About the author
Nancy J. Cohen writes the Bad Hair Day Mysteries featuring South Florida hairstylist Marla Vail. Her books have won numerous awards, including the instructional guide, Writing the Cozy Mystery. A featured speaker at libraries, conferences and community events, Nancy is a past president of Florida Romance Writers and Mystery Writers of America Florida Chapter. When not busy writing, she enjoys cooking, fine dining, cruising, and visiting Disney World. For more information, visit Nancy’s website at nancyjcohen.com.

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