Double StrikeDouble Strike by Gretchen Archer is the third book in the “Davis Way Crime Caper” mystery series. Publisher: Henery Press, October 2014

Bellissimo Resort and Casino Super Spy Davis Way knows three things: Cooking isn’t a prerequisite for a happy marriage, don’t trust men who look like David Hasselhoff, and money doesn’t grow on Christmas trees. None of which help when a storm hits the Gulf a week before the most anticipated event in Bellissimo history: the Strike It Rich Sweepstakes. Securing the guests, staff, and property might take a stray bullet. Or two.

Bellissimo Resort and Casino Super Spy Davis Way has three problems: She’s desperate to change her marital status, she has a new boss who speaks in hashtags, and Bianca Sanders has confiscated her clothes. All of which bring on a headache hot enough to spark a fire. Solving her problems means stealing a car. From a dingbat lawyer.

Bellissimo Resort and Casino Super Spy Davis Way has three goals: Keep the Sanders family out of prison, regain her footing in her relationship, and find the genius who wrote the software for futureGaming. One of which, the manhunt one, is iffy. Because when Alabama hides someone, they hide them good.

DOUBLE STRIKE. A VIP invitation to an extraordinary high-stakes gaming event, as thieves, feds, dance instructors, shady bankers, kidnappers, and gold waiters go all in. #Don’tMissIt

In the quirky and eccentric world of Davis Way I found laughter throughout this delightfully humorous tale. The exploits, the antics, the trial and tribulation of doing the right things keeps this story fresh as scene after scene we are guaranteed a fun time with Davis and her friends. What was supposed to happen in Davis’ personal life hits a roadblock and I laughed at her attempts to fix the problem and that’s where we got to meet the craziest people that Davis encounters while also doing her job. Gold paint; bull doo; and a Smerle simply wreaks havoc where laughter and trouble ensues. The author did a great job in providing me with an engaging and entertaining experience in that I’m looking forward to the next exciting escapades with Davis and her friends. #LoveIt #BestOneYet