Today’s the day! I’m all set to host the perfect grand opening of my new-to-me business, the Rose Shore Community Art Center. I recently traded curating art at a fancy gallery in downtown Vancouver for teaching budding artists of all ages and skill levels. It’s a bit more laidback and way more fun, so a win-win in my opinion! I was nervous about moving to a new town last summer, but the community of Rose Shore in the Okanagan Valley, BC has been extremely welcoming, and everyone is thrilled that the old art center is reopening. People say they have fond memories of the place, and soon I’ll bring new memories to our little town—memories of elementary school field trips, beginner drawing courses, and acrylic painting classes to name just a few. I’m excited to explore many different art mediums!

My best friend, Emilia Kent, is catering the opening event, and I know everything will be delicious. The sweet treats from her Secret Garden Tea Shop always are. I hope she made extra mini quiche Lorraine! I may have snagged a few while we were setting up. I’ve also booked a local artist named Gabriella Everhart to teach a watercolors painting class that anyone on the guest list can participate in. She’s even bringing her show-stopping painting Tranquil as the centerpiece display of her portfolio. This is a sought-after painting, and I’ve heard people say they would kill to get their hands on it.

As much as I would love to offer a price myself for this gorgeous painting of the ocean’s blue and green dancing waves, rumor has it that Gabriella has already arranged for a private buyer to purchase the artwork after the grand opening has finished. Maybe I’ll even get a chance to meet this prestigious art collector. I’m looking forward to meeting Gabriella in person as well. We’ve only talked over email. She seems to be running a bit late, but she should be here any minute. I’m sure she just got caught up in her latest work in progress and lost track of time.

Anyway, thank you so much for stopping by and checking out my art center. If you’ll excuse me, I need to finish putting out the painting supplies for the watercolors class, but you are welcome to grab a brush and join us!

Paint Me a Crime, A Rose Shore Mystery Book #1
Genre: Cozy
Release: June 2023
Format: Print, Digital
Purchase Link

Art curator Jessamine Rhodes has left behind her gig at a prominent gallery in the city to open her own community art center in the small town of Rose Shore. She’s all set to host an extravagant opening watercolors class and has even booked a famous artist to teach it. Gabriella Everhart brings along her priceless painting Tranquil to showcase as the centerpiece of the event.

The opening class is just wrapping up when suddenly Tranquil disappears before Jessamine’s eyes. Next, the lights of the art center flicker out and leave the crowd in complete darkness as a scream pierces the air. To her horror, Jessamine’s flashlight reveals that prestigious art collector Victor Carlisle has been murdered, and now her dreams are as shattered as the champagne glass found near the scene.

Determined to save her now teetering reputation, Jessamine sets out to search for answers and the missing painting on her own. She has invested everything into her art center and is too anxious to step back and do nothing. Along the way, she teams up with a handsome paramedic who seems to have his own reasons for wanting justice for Victor’s tragedy.

Meet the author
Samara Yew is the author of the Rose Shore Mysteries (under the name Holly Yew) and the California Bookshop Mysteries. A full-time mom, full-time dog servant, and part-time writer, Samara lives in British Columbia, Canada, where she can often be found watching Psych reruns. Samara loves to travel, especially visiting her husband’s home country of Singapore or donning Mickey ears in Disneyland. She’s a member of Sisters in Crime and International Thriller Writers. To keep up to date with all her bookish news, please sign up for her newsletter at

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