Sometimes the best way to know a person is by asking questions, where you can learn more about what makes them tick. Get to know Kate with her answers below.

What is your full name?
My name is Katherine Wright Sloan

How old are you?
I’m fifty-three years old. Now that I live at the beach, I feel younger than I have for a long time.

What is your profession?
I’m a professional organizer, and I’m in business with my best friend Bess Walker.

Do you have a significant other?
My husband died years ago, but I’ve reconnected with the love of my life.

What is their name and profession?
Reid Barrett is a local contractor.

Do you have any children?
Ethan Sloan is my only child. When he moved to Texas for a job, I became an empty nester. This spurred me to move back to Fox Island, Georgia where I grew up.

Do you have any siblings?
Yes, I have two brothers. Bobby is one year younger than me. He’s a local dentist. My other brother is the police chief, and Paul is easy to get along with.

Are your parents nearby?
No, my parents passed.

Who is your best friend?
Bess Walker is my best friend. Despite years of living far apart, she remained my best friend.

Do you have cats, dogs, or other pets?
I have an adorable golden doodle. Some say I rescued Lady, but we all know Lady rescued me.

What town do you live in?
I live in Fox Island, Georgia. It’s near Savannah.

What type of dwelling do you own or rent?
I’ve been living in an old apartment in town, but I’ve bought a house and my boyfriend is renovating it for me. It’s a short walk to the beach, and I can’t wait to move in.

What is your favorite spot in your home?
The kitchen. I’m not a gourmet chef, but I enjoy cooking and baking.

What is your favorite meal and dessert?
My comfort meal is grilled cheese sandwich with tomato soup. For a fancy meal, it’d be eggplant parmesan with a crispy salad, Italian bread, and cheesecake for dessert.

Do you have any hobbies?
I enjoy collecting shells, but I’m picky. I also like to draw. I’m a sports fan and enjoy basketball, baseball, and most sports. I raised a son and learned to like sports.

What music do you listen to?
Harry Connick Jr. is one of my favorite singers. I favor listening to jazz music, but I like most genres.

What is your favorite color?
My favorite color is teal.

What is your favorite vacation spot?
Now that I’m back at Fox Island, I don’t have a favorite spot.

Are you a morning or night person?
I’m a night owl.

What is your idea of a really fun time?
A really fun time would be going to watch a college basketball or football game with my son and Reid.

If you were to write a memoir, what would you call it?
She Wore Polka Dots

Amateur or professional sleuth and whom do you work with?
I’m an amateur sleuth. I work with Reid, my brother, my son, and my best friend. Bess isn’t very excited about helping. The guys are more willing to pitch in.

What is a typical day in your life like?
I wake up, drink coffee, and have a light breakfast. I get dressed and head to work. Bess and I go over our schedule and divide the jobs. We’ve organized homes, businesses, dorm rooms, garages, and churches. Once in a while, we’ll speak to groups and give tips on organizing. After work, I head home. I enjoy walking on the beach. Often, Reid and I will have dinner together. We like to go for a stroll, or listen to a musician at a local bar, or play games. There are also lots of events on our island to attract tourists, and we enjoy attending them, too. As long as we’re together, it’s a good evening.

The Con, An Organized Crime Cozy Mystery Book 2
Genre: Cozy Mystery
Release: August 2024
Format: Digital (Print to follow)
Purchase Link

Professional organizer Kate Sloan is hired by Ben Houser to organize his office at Seaside Hideaway Resort on Fox Island. Ben tells everybody he’s planning to revamp the resort. Ben throws money around and convinces people to invest with him. The first problem is, Ben’s a con man. The second problem is, Kate finds his dead body.

The killer believes Kate has incriminating evidence, and she must solve the mystery before she’s next on the hitman’s list.

About the author
Jackie Layton is the author of cozy mysteries with Spunky Southern Sleuths. Her stories are set in Texas, Georgia, and South Carolina. She lives on the coast of South Carolina, where she enjoys walks on the beach and golf cart rides around the marsh. Reading, gardening, and traveling are some of her favorite hobbies. She always keeps a notebook handy to write down ideas for future stories. Dateline and American Greed are two of her favorite shows, and they give her lots of story fodder.