Fourteen-year-old June Knight pretends to sue her parents for emancipation and moves into the attic of a nearby boarding house, where neighborhood vandals have altered the ROOM TO LET sign out front to read ROOMY TOILET. When things begin mysteriously disappearing from the other residents’ rooms, newcomer June is the obvious suspect, and to prove her innocence she takes on the most important role of her career and plays sleuth.

Dru’s Short Musing:
June Knight puts on her sleuthing cap when items at the rooming house go missing.

This was an enjoyable book that I could not put down, quickly becoming a page-turner as I had to know how this was going to end. The story was set at a steady pace with a comfortable tone, making it easy to follow along. The mystery was nicely executed with bits and pieces here and there and a few twists and turns to keep this reader engaged throughout. I enjoyed meeting the quirky and eccentric residents of the rooming house which added to the intrigue and mysteriousness of the story being told. Who are these people and what are they hiding? With visually descriptive narrative and engaging dialogue, the story put me in the middle of the action and when I thought I figured it out, events cascaded with some surprises which enhanced my reading pleasure. Overall, a delightfully charming entre into this arena.

Series Name: June Knight Mystery Book 1
Genre: Traditional Mystery
Reading Age: 9 – 14 years
Release: September 24, 2024
Format: Print, Digital
Purchase link

FTC Full Disclosure – I received a digital ARC of this book from the author.