When this club selects a book, magic happens! This book club does more than read their books – they are absorbed into them to become the amateur sleuths! In order to leave the book, they must solve the mystery and reach The End. In this journey they travel to The Golden Island Wellness Retreat for yoga, meditation, workshops, and spa treatments. They’ll bond with nature and improve their spiritual wellbeing. They’ll find their inner peace – and a dead body, of course.

Dru’s Short Musing:
Murder comes to a tropical island retreat and the book club members are up to the task.

This well-crafted and cleverly written mystery kept me immersed in all that was happening with its visually descriptive narrative, engaging dialogue, camaraderie, and an atmosphere that brings the story alive on the pages. With a solid and wickedly enticing plot, the antics kept me intrigued throughout and the twists and turns kept me guessing and I enjoyed watching all the pieces fall into place as each charming cast of characters’ pivotal roles would lead to the killer’s identity. A range of emotions were displayed by the characters and even me from laughter to happiness to sadness in their latest exploits. This is one of the best books in the series and I look forward to more adventures with the eclectic book club members.

Series Name: Magical Mystery Book Club Mystery Book 8
Genre: Cozy Paranormal Mystery
Release: September 15, 2024
Format: Digital (Print and Audio to follow)
Purchase Link

FTC Full Disclosure – I received a digital ARC of this book from the publisher via NetGalley.