Murder is On The ClockHickory Dickory Dock, Murder is on the Clock by Fran Rizer is the 7th book in the “Callie Parrish” mystery series. Publisher: Odyssey South Publishing

Mortuary cosmetician Callie Parrish doesn’t have time to sleuth the day before her father’s wedding though Jane’s accusation that Callie attracts murder like a magnet seems true. She finds a John Doe homicide victim.

Callie and Jane are terrified when they begin receiving threats from a man who knows Jane is telephone fantasy actress Roxanne and where she lives.

John Doe is identified–Loose Lucy’s ex-boyfriend. Callie is astonished to learn her brother Bill has hidden Lucy in the same house where he lives with his wife. The sheriff vows Bill is not a suspect, but he wants to talk to him. Instead of cooperating, Bill runs.

Callie is torn between protecting Jane and investigating the murder. She believes Jane is truly in danger, but she knows the only way to save Bill is to find the killer herself–though Callie doubts anyone can salvage her brother’s marriage.

This is such a fun series and I love the adventures that Callie finds herself involved in. This one is not of her doing but the way the author sets this mystery with several subplots up is quite engaging and entertaining. The quirky family that is the Parrish are all accounted for in this delightfully charming light drama. The mystery of who killed the victim was good because it could have been anyone, but yet the author chose to hid the killer in plain sight and did a good job at that. Callie as usual is her strong and independent self and a survivor. I really liked the ending in this book and I hope to see more of that situation in future books. This was a good read and I’m so happy that a new book in planned for 2016.