An ancient secret awakens, beckoning the brave into the shadows of history. Carter Mosley is thrust into an unexpected adventure when his childhood friend and former dive partner, Jeff Shelton, leaves him a cryptic message. Carter is hesitant given his friend’s shadowy past, but loyalty draws him in. Joined by Avery Turner, he heads to England to follow the trail. The quest turns deadly when Jeff is murdered and a link to Captain Ace Mullins, a legendary pirate whose tale conceals a priceless treasure, is unveiled.

Dru’s Short Musing:
From sea to above ground, the adventure and misadventures awaits the trio as they race against time.

What an amazing ride that I was taken in the latest book from the team of Walker and Coffin. This unputdownable book kept me immersed from beginning to end, quickly becoming a page-turner as I had to know the outcome. Avery, Carter, and Harrison’s exploits take them in search of treasures and once found, their life is not their own as they bump into people up to no good. With visually descriptive narrative, engaging dialogue and one of the best settings featured in a book, I could not keep up with all the non-stop action and I reveled in it as the book reach its feverish pitch with the team racing towards the enemy to stop them once and for all. Overall, another excellent read in this death defying and exhilarating series.

Series Name: Turner and Mosley Files Mystery Book 3
Genre: Action and Adventure Mystery
Release: October 29, 2024
Format: Print, Digital, Audio
Purchase Link

FTC Full Disclosure – I received a digital ARC of this book from the author.