Unexpected by Cindy Blackburn is the second book in the “Cassie Baxter” humorous mystery series, published December 2016.

unexpectedSmall sleuth, tiny town, unfailing fun.

Welcome to Lake Elizabeth, Vermont, where the water’s growing colder, the leaves are turning orange, and Cassie Baxter is going nuts. Who wouldn’t go a little nuts with this latest unexpected development? Meet five-year-old Truman Tripp. Cassie, who is most definitely not a kid person, can’t understand why his mother left the child with her. But some even more perplexing problems soon present themselves, and Cassie’s already Looney Tunes life gets even loonier. Expect the unexpected when Lake Elizabeth’s most unlikely duo, Cassie and Truman, team up to catch a killer. Even more important—expect to laugh.

Cindy has done it again. She’s taken me on a rip-roaring-laugh-out-loud ride with the hilarious antics and exploits of Cassie Baxter. This fast-paced whodunit was a fun read and I enjoyed the non-stop action from the time Cassie is introduced to Truman and to when she finally unlocked the secret. The author set this story up nicely keeping me engaged and entertained in all that was happening with this eclectic cast of characters ranging from a mad scientist to a sci fi author to a precocious five-and-a-half-year-old and to Cassie herself. Surrounded by a secondary cast of characters whose interaction provided amusing anecdote to Cassie’s craziness, this was a delightfully enjoyable read and I look forward to more zaniness with Cassie and her friends.