Award-winning author Wanda Morris returns with a powerful, haunting thriller following a lawyer who after the mysterious disappearance of a local landowner and the death of his sister just months before, uncovers a conspiracy that dates back to Reconstruction and persists in half the United States today. Deena Wood’s life has fallen apart in the aftermath of losing her beloved mother, her marriage, and her prestigious job at an Atlanta law firm. She needs what the Geechee people of coastal Georgia call a “dayclean,” a fresh start.

Dru’s Short Musing:
Wanda Morris does it again. . . delivering a powerful story that invokes one’s emotional being.

Death, greed, and murder are at the heart of this complex tale of intrigue that had me immersed in all aspects, quickly becoming a page-turner. Deena’s return home came with tension from within and her community and the author’s voice propelled this drama dealing with societal concerns that claimed a stake in the telling of this tale. The suspenseful nature of this story with its well-defined mystery kept me in the game. The visually descriptive narrative with its engaging dialogue and a setting that was made real came through, putting me in the middle of all the action as I rooted for Deena. When I thought I had a handle on what was going, the author changed directions with a few strategically placed twists, some I didn’t see coming, all to enhance my reading pleasure. The pacing was on par with how well this story was being told. Overall, this was an excellent and masterful story from Ms. Morris.

Genre: Thriller
Release: June 18, 2024
Format: Print, Digital, Audio
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FTC Full Disclosure – I received a digital ARC of this book from the publisher via NetGalley.