Peter sits down for a question-and-answer session with dru’s book musings so that we can learn more about what makes him tick. Let’s see what he has to say.

What is your full name?
Peter Phillipe-St. Denis Dumas

How old are you?

What is your profession?
I am a clairvoyant who helps police departments and high visibility individuals solve problems involving complicated crimes.

Do you have a significant other?
Unfortunately, no.

Do you have any children?

Do you have any siblings?

Are your parents nearby?
My parents are deceased.

Who is your best friend?
I would have to say my mind consort. She is a voice in my mind that keeps me on track.

Do you have cats, dogs, or other pets?
Not unless you consider paintings as pets. I spend an inordinate amount of time with them. And of course, provide for their proper care.

What town do you live in?
I live in many cities: Chicago, New York, Paris, London, Sitges.

What type of dwelling do you own or rent?
– In New York I own an apartment in Soho.
– In Chicago, I own a co-op in the Near North.
– In Paris, I own a small flat.
– In Sitges, I own a house.
What is your favorite spot in your home?
The library is my favorite spot in all of my homes. It is where I read surrounded by the creative genius of my favorite artists. New ones and Masters.

What is your favorite meal and dessert?
Oh, that is difficult. I have so many favorites. My friend Susanna’s black bean soup is an excellent beginning. The perfect appetizer? Escargot buttered with garlic and served with crusty French bread. Tender broiled pork medallions smothered with roasted orange slices is one of my favorite entrees.

Dessert is my downfall. I love chocolate chip cookies made traditionally but crispier with the addition of Rice Krispies. And of course, they must be served with Anna’s apple pie topped with a generous helping of vanilla bean ice cream.

Do you have any hobbies?
Collecting art. Solving murders. Reading. Playing chess and completing crossword puzzles.

What music do you listen to?
Mozart, Bach, Beethoven, and anything Frank Sinatra or Tina Turner sing.

What is your favorite color?
Anything blue—summer sky blue, Lake Michigan blue, midnight sky blue

What is your favorite vacation spot?
Greece, oh definitely Greece. Food in Greece is far more than sustenance. It is a love affair with one’s appetite. It is fellowship. It is art. It is music for one’ taste buds.

Are you a morning or night person?
Night person

What is your idea of a really fun time?
Having dinner with my favorite people and introducing them to someone new at the table.

If you were to write a memoir, what would you call it?
Murder is Art

Amateur or professional sleuth and whom do you work with?
I am a professional clairvoyant who happens to be a moderately professional sleuth. In the Midwest I most often work with LT. David Arnstein, head of detectives in the Chicago Police Department. He and I have become more than colleagues. We are simpatico–molto simpatico.

What is a typical day in your life like?
Visiting galleries, museums…reading…dining with friends… and contemplating crime. Oh, and as often as I am able, I surveil a city’s architecture.

MURDER In Ice, A Peter Dumas Mystery Book #3
Genre: Traditional Mystery
Release: January 2024
Format: Print
Purchase Link

Four women are abducted. Four women who have one thing in common — careers that involve art. No ransoms are demanded; the women simply disappear. But murder enters the plot. Murder most gruesome.

Legendary clairvoyant, Peter Dumas, with his penchant for fine food and wine, brings his exceptional mind gifts into the investigation headed by his friend, David Arnstein.

David and Peter are more than friends, they have become family. Together they travel the streets of Chicago and its haughty suburbs. And when Peter is alone, he visits old city haunts, restaurants, secret places, and old friends, always hunting for kilobytes of knowledge to plant in that miracle of his mind. They reside there, resting, growing, waiting to become an answer or a clue that helps solve a dilemma, like murder.

Old friends and new ones join Peter in his quest for cognitive optimism. Like Plato, Peter too believes in the human mind’s capacity to attain the truth and use it to deliver justice.

In MURDER In Ice, justice is delivered in revenge and anger, but ultimately, in punishment behind bars.

About the author
The Midwest is my backyard. The East Coast, my playground and the Wild West is where my imagination runs free. Born in the Detroit Library, nurtured at Michigan State University. Raised in Advertising Agencies that include Leo Burnett, FooteCone and Belding, and seasoned with radio and TV programming. But most importantly, enlightened by lessons in life. Lemons do make lemonade. Crisis and chaos can and do alter habits and even deliver new opportunities. Writing two totally different books simultaneously is my answer to some of life’s lessons. It’s become a new habit for me that helps me accept challenges and move forward to free my mind with ideas and the inspiration to write.