Hemingway. I never thought I’d find Hemingway short stories that had been stolen in Paris in 1922 in an attic in Ellington, Massachusetts. But I did! Me, Sarah Winston, owner of the Sarah Winston Garage Sale business. Anyone who loves garage sales dreams of making a big find. To get that something for nothing. It’s why we all go out there in search of treasure or a bargain. Holding lost Nick Adams stories, though? That went beyond my wildest garage sale dream.

It started when Mrs. Belle Winthrop Granville, III asked me to sort through her vast mystery collection in preparation for a sale to benefit the Ellington Free Library. Of course I said yes. Getting to spend time around hundreds of books by some of my favorite authors was my idea of heaven. Really, I should pay her – please don’t tell her I said that! There I was up in the attic surrounded by vintage Nancy Drew books. I spotted a pile of old suitcases and trunks in the corner and couldn’t resist a peek inside them. Most were full of more books, but one, my heart starts pounding just remembering, held original and carbon copies of Hemingway’s first Nick Adams stories.

In 1922 Hemingway’s first wife, Hadley, was taking a train from Paris to Switzerland to join Ernest. She packed the stories in an overnight case, stashed the case on the train, and went off in search of water. When she came back the case was gone. A thorough search with the conductor didn’t do any good. No one ever saw the stories again. I’ve always assumed that someone tossed the stories and kept the bag. Back then Hemingway was a war hero and journalist but not the famous literary author he is known as now.

I immediately took the stories down to Miss Belle who asked me to leave them with her and give her some time to process the find. Before I could get any answers as to how they ended up here, Miss Belle was assaulted, the case stolen, and I was dodging bullets trying to retrieve it. Soon after I was up to my ears with the fanatical League of Literary Treasure Hunters, a suspicious rare book dealer, and a mobster. I can’t figure out who wants to help and who wants me dead.

In the midst of all of that I’m also organizing a fund raiser to bring a street dog in Afghanistan, befriend by an airman, back to Ellington. The airman has severe PTSD and my friend James thought the only way to save the airman was to get the dog here. It’s costly to do and when you’re living on an enlisted salary with a wife and kids it was impossible. So I stepped in to help.

I’m determined to bring the dog here and to figure out how the missing manuscripts ended up in Ellington. Wish me luck!

Giveaway: Comment below for a chance to win a print copy of The Gun Also Rises. U.S. entries only, please. The giveaway ends January 30, 2019. Good luck everyone!

You can read more about Sarah in The Gun Also Rises, the sixth book in the β€œSarah Winston Garage Sale” cozy mystery series, coming January 29, 2019.

To Recover A Priceless Manuscript . . .
A wealthy widow has asked Sarah Winston to sell her massive collection of mysteries through her garage sale business. While sorting through piles of books stashed in the woman’s attic, Sarah is amazed to discover a case of lost Hemingway stories, stolen from a train in Paris back in 1922. How did they end up in Belle Winthrop Granville’s attic in Ellington, Massachusetts, almost one hundred years later?

Will Sarah Have To Pay With Her Life?
Before Sarah can get any answers, Belle is assaulted, the case is stolen, a maid is killed, and Sarah herself is dodging bullets. And when rumors spread that Belle has a limited edition of The Sun Also Rises in her house, Sarah is soon mixed up with a mobster, the fanatical League of Literary Treasure Hunters, and a hard-to-read rare book dealer. With someone willing to kill for the Hemingway, Sarah has to race to catch the culpritβ€”or the bell may toll for her . . .

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About the author
Sherry Harris is the Agatha Award nominated author of the Sarah Winston Garage Sale mystery series. She is the President of Sisters in Crime, a member of the Chesapeake Chapter of Sisters in Crime, the New England Chapter of Sisters in Crime, Mystery Writers of America, and International Thriller Writers.

In her spare time Sherry loves reading and is a patent holding inventor. Sherry, her husband, and guard dog Lily are living in northern Virginia until they figure out where they want to move to next.

For more information, visit Sherry’s website at Sherryharrisauthor.com. She also blogs at wickedauthors.com.

All comments are welcomed.