Cantor Gold by Ann Aptaker

Excerpt from Murder And Gold My street, like the others in my Theater District neighborhood, is ordinarily pretty quiet at this early hour. Windows in the old brick or brownstone five-story walk-ups, or in more recent apartment buildings like mine, are still dark, the...

Get To Know ~ Cantor Gold by Ann Aptaker

Cantor first appeared in Criminal Gold and the one of the best ways to learn about  person is by asking questions, so let’s get to know Cantor. What is your name? Cantor Gold. Okay, so it’s an odd name for a female, but I’m not the usual female, and the name...

A day in the life of Cantor Gold by Ann Aptaker

New York City, 1952 It begins like any other day in my life of crime; breakfast at Pete’s Luncheonette, a countertop joint where Doris—the waitress who’s been there as long as the linoleum—pours the best cuppa coffee in New York. We make a little small talk, she...