Get To Know You ~ Mia Malone by Lynn Cahoon

Mia sits down for a question-and-answer session with dru’s book musings so that we can learn more about what makes her tick. Let’s see what she has to say. What is your full name? Mia Alice Malone How old are you? 32 What is your profession? Currently, my title is...

A Day In My Life ~ Dr. Julia Lewis by Patrice McDonough

Alf’s friends told me that he loved a practical joke. This time, they turned the tables. When he suffered an unfortunate posterior accident involving a shove, a slippery floor, and a gin bottle, his pals volunteered to run for a doctor. They left the pub for my...

A Day In My Life ~ Chloe Barnes by Emily George

There are only two things certain in my life—I will think about food most hours of the day and I will often stumble upon trouble, even when I’m actively trying to avoid it. Frankly, I prefer the first one of those certainties, but the second one certainly keeps life...

A Day In My Life ~ Brent Fyne by Ginger Bolton

That Tuesday in early August started like any other workday for me. In a suit and tie, I drove to the police department in Fallingbrook, Wisconsin. Even though I’m a detective, I do a lot of police work that big-city detectives might never be expected to do. I spent...

A Day In My Life ~ Damian Stone by Edwin Hill

My wife Alice has a home office on one end of the farmhouse where we live. There, she spends the day advising clients on their finances and earning most of the money our family survives on. Today, after I see our son off to school, I tap on Alice’s door and bring her...