the Christie CurseThe Christie Curse by Victoria Abbott is the first book in the new “Book Collector” mystery series. Publisher: Berkley Prime Crime, March 2013

In 1926, Agatha Christie disappeared—making headlines across the world—only to show up eleven days later at a spa under an assumed name. During those eleven days, did she have time to write a play?

Jordan Bingham needs a new job and a new place to live. She’s back in Harrison Falls, New York, living with her not so law-abiding uncles, in debt thanks to a credit card–stealing ex and pending grad school loans.

Enter the perfect job, a research position that includes room and board, which will allow her to spend her days hunting down rare mysteries for an avid book collector. There’s just one problem: her employer, Vera Van Alst—the most hated citizen of Harrison Falls.

Jordan’s first assignment is to track down a rumored Agatha Christie play. It seems easy enough, but Jordan soon finds out that her predecessor was killed while looking for it, and there is still someone out there willing to murder to keep the play out of Vera’s hands. Jordan’s new job is good…but is it worth her life?

I love the concept in the new debut series of a missing play that could have been written and the search for it. Enters Jordan who needs this job and will do most anything to keep it. I love that her nefarious uncles are there to lend assistance in a law-abiding sort of way that helps Jordan as she becomes involved in a murder, assault and thievery. The author did a good job in teasing us with clues that included a few surprises that I did not see coming not even when the killer’s identity was revealed. Love it! Jordan is a great heroine surrounded by a quirky cast of characters that I want to know more about. I love the two main inhabitants of the Van Alst mansion and I look forward to what I hope is a long running series. Bonus recipes are included and be prepared to have your appetite whetted.

FTC Full Disclosure – The publisher sent me a copy of this book, in hopes I would review it.

previously posted on the Cozy Chicks blog