Sometimes the best way to know a person is by asking questions, where you can learn more about what makes them tick. Get to know Thea with their answers below.

What is your full name?
Thea Olson

How old are you?
I’m in my late 20s.

What is your profession?
I’m an organizational development consultant, which means I work with companies on things like leadership development, employee engagement, and performance management. When I moved back to my hometown in North Dakota from Minneapolis, I set up my own consulting business. Being my own boss means I have a flexible schedule which comes in handy when there’s a murder to investigate!

Do you have a significant other?
I’m currently single, but there is a guy I’m interested in. However, he has a tragic past, so I’m not sure he’s ready to get involved in a relationship right now, let alone one with me.

What is their name and profession?
His name is Hudson Carter. He took over as my town’s library director after my grandmother retired.

Do you have any children?
No. I’d like to one day, but thinking about marriage and kids is a long way off for me.

Do you have any siblings?
I have a younger brother named Leif. He’s a police officer.

Are your parents nearby?
Sorry, I need a moment. This is a tough question for me. My parents died when my brother and I were young kids. Fortunately, our grandparents took us in and raised us.

Who is your best friend?
I’m probably closest to my cousin, Freya. We’re around the same age. She’s married to the owner of our town’s butcher shop.

Do you have cats, dogs, or other pets?
I don’t exactly have pets, but there is a snarky chameleon named Edgar who lives in the library. For some strange reason, only I can see him. He’s super obnoxious, but he does help me solve murder mysteries.

There’s also a rather needy buffalo who wanders around our town. He’s constantly demanding to be petted (neck scratches are his favorite), he eats the flowers in the park, and he visits local shops and restaurants looking for treats.

And, of course, what library would be complete without its very own cat? Hudson brings his fluffy black and white cat, Dr. McCoy, to work with him most days.

What town do you live in?
My town is called Why and it’s located in western North Dakota near Williston.

What type of dwelling do you own or rent?
Since moving back to Why from Minneapolis, I’ve been living with my grandparents at their farmhouse. I do need to start looking for my own place to live soon, but I love spending time with my grandparents.

What is your favorite spot in your home?
The kitchen. It’s the heart of my grandparents’ home and it’s where my grandmother whips up tasty meals.

What is your favorite meal and dessert?
Oh, that’s a tough one! My grandmother is such a great cook and makes so many delicious recipes. But if I have to pick, I’m going to go with her tater tot hotdish and her rhubarb cookies.

Do you have any hobbies?
Reading. My family founded the library in Why back in the 1800s, so you could say that books are in my blood.

What music do you listen to?
I’m kind of embarrassed to say this, but lately, I’ve been listening to a lot of K-pop.

What is your favorite color?
I don’t have a single favorite color, but I’m drawn to muted color palettes.

What is your favorite vacation spot?
I have fond memories of the camping trips my grandparents took us on when we were kids. We would often go to the Theodore Roosevelt National Park. It’s a gorgeous part of the country where the Badlands meet the Great Plains.

Are you a morning or night person?
In general, I’m more of a morning person.

What is your idea of a really fun time?
Dinner with my family, board games, and, of course, reading!

If you were to write a memoir, what would you call it?
The Bookish Sleuth

Amateur or professional sleuth? Whom do you work with?
I’m an amateur sleuth. I get a lot of help solving cases. Do you remember the classic children’s detective books, The Three Investigators? That’s what my grandmother, Hudson Carter, and I jokingly call ourselves. The snarky chameleon Edgar assists with cryptic clues and I sometimes weasel information out of my brother who is on the local police force.

What is a typical day in your life like?
Since I work for myself, my days vary. But I always start every day having the first of many cups of coffee in the kitchen, usually chatting with my grandmother. Then I’ll have conference calls, meetings, admin work etc. While I mostly work from home, I do have to travel to meet with clients from time to time.

After my workday, my grandparents and I have dinner together. Since Hudson is renting a house across the road from us, he often joins us for our evening meal. My brother can always sense when Grandma is making one of his favorite dishes and stops by. After dinner, if it’s baseball season, we’ll watch the Minnesota Twins play.

Then, before bed, you can find me reading one of the many books in my TBR stack on my nightstand.

Poisoned By The Book, A North Dakota Library Mystery Book #2
Genre: Cozy Mystery
Release: July 2024
Format: Print, Digital
Purchase Link

Books can be deadly when in the wrong hands.

Thea Olson is looking forward to volunteering at the annual book fair and raising money for her local library. When the town’s resident buffalo turns up demanding attention and disrupting the event, Thea isn’t thrilled. But just when she thought her day couldn’t get worse, someone ends up dead.

Can Thea nab the killer before they strike again?

About the author
Ellen Jacobson is a chocolate obsessed cat lover who writes cozy mysteries and romantic comedies. After working in Scotland and New Zealand for several years, she returned to the States, lived aboard a sailboat, traveled around in a tiny camper, and is now settled in a small town in northern Oregon with her husband and an imaginary cat named Simon. Find out more at

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