Why do you write the genre that you write?
I’ve always been curious by nature and drawn to mysteries. Why people behave the way they do and what makes them tick only adds to my curiosity.
What’s the quirkiest quirk one of your characters has?
Julia, Rain’s sidekick in the Lakeside Library Mystery series, comes up with creative ways to swear as she’s a teacher and doesn’t want to use bad language in front of her students. An example would be. . .shitake mushrooms!
How did you come up with your pseudonym?
My mother wanted to name me Holly as my sister’s name is Heather and she wanted a Holly & Heather. However, she changed her mind at the last second. I decided to use it to make her smile.
Tell us how you got into writing?
I was unemployed during the bad recession. After sending out hundreds of resumes via email with zero responses I was losing hope. I started writing one morning to save my sanity. Turns out, I wrote a novel in a month and then began shopping that to agents instead.
What jobs have you held before, during and/or after you became a writer?
I was in the Air National Guard for 6 years right out of high school. I was a dental assistant before going back to college for my bachelor’s degree in marketing. I was a Real Estate Agent (right before the recession) and I’ve been writing fulltime since my first publish in 2011. I also sell painted artwork on the side to help fund my writing habit.
Where do you write?
I have a designated office, but I tend to bring the laptop into my kitchen and multi-task while I write. It’s not uncommon for me to be doing laundry, cleaning, or making dinner while taking notes and plotting the next day of writing.
What is your favorite deadline snack?
Writing cozies and food go dangerously hand-in-hand. When my characters were eating, I was perusing the refrigerator! My agent doesn’t believe me, but I gained 25 lbs. writing the Crafter series. I try not to snack now and stick with green tea. Ha! (Ps. Still haven’t dropped the extra pounds. . . but working on it.)
What is next for you?
I’m writing a series for Berkley under yet another name. Stay tuned! Lakeside Library fans, more books are in the works!
What are you reading now?
The Wish by Nicholas Sparks (I tend to read outside my cozy field it’s sort-of a palate cleanser for me!)
Where can we find you?
As Holly Danvers on my website at authorhollydanvers.com, Facebook, and Goodreads
As Holly Quinn on my website at authorhollyquinn.com, Facebook, and Goodreads
Now to have some fun . . .
Vanilla or chocolate
Ice cream or cake
Both (too greedy? Haha!)
Broccoli or squash
So. . .recently Broccoli because Dru introduced me to a
recipe I’ve made 3 times! Broccoli garlic butter pasta, yum!
*Dru’s note, the dish is yummy.
Pizza or burgers
PIZZA, Gluten-free as I have celiac disease
Breakfast, lunch, or dinner
Yes, please all the above lol! I love to eat. . .
Mountain or beach
City or country
100 percent country. Couldn’t do city noise. . .
Introvert or Extrovert
People are most surprised by this, introvert. I have a few events
coming up and I’m already nervous! Public speaking is hard for me.
And even more fun . . .
You are stranded on a deserted island. What are your three must-haves?
Books, LAPTOP (for writing) and my easel and oil paints. If I had nothing
else but these three items, I could live content for the rest of my life.
My bio:
Holly Danvers grew up devouring every mystery novel on the shelf of her local library. She lives with her husband and three chickens in the Midwest, where she’s already plotting her next novel.
Fun! Love this series so far and hope there will be many more!
I haven’t started this series (yet!) but I love the handcrafted series and hope there will be more of them (as well as the library ones).
Thanks for hosting me Dru! I’m writing Lakeside #3 now, and enjoying every minute!😊
Just placed an order at the Howard Beach library for this book.