Why do you write the genre that you write?
I write what I love to read, traditional and cozy mysteries. I cut my teeth on Nancy Drew, Encyclopedia Brown and Agatha Christie, and have been in love with the genre ever since.
What’s the quirkiest quirk one of your characters has?
Each of my characters have quirks, but I think that the quirkiest quirk is that Delia Greenway insists on separating truth from facts at all times, and rarely believes what people tell her without finding facts to back it up. It’s helpful in investigations, but a bit exhausting over tea.
How did you come up with your pseudonym?
I’ve written three series under three different names. My rules for pseudonyms are that the first name needs to sound like Julie, so that I respond to people. And that it needs to be a JH name. Julia Henry fit the bill perfectly!
Tell us how you got into writing?
I’ve always loved writing, but it wasn’t until I was in my mid 30’s that I decided to invest the time in figuring out the craft and how to get published. I’d had a health scare that made me realize there’s no time to waste. Since I always loved mysteries, that was a natural fit.
What jobs have you held before, during and/or after you became a writer?
I’ve spent my career working in arts administration, mostly in the performing arts. I’ve run a service organization, general managed shows, taught arts administration, done marketing, been a company manager, programmed concert halls and more. Currently I’m the Executive Director of Sisters in Crime, which is a wonderful combination of my skills as an administrator and my passion for the writing community.
Where do you write?
Mostly on my couch. I do have a desk, but I use it for work work, and don’t feel as creative there.
What is your favorite deadline snack?
Twizzlers. They aren’t as messy as other snacks, and can be eaten slowly and (unfortunately) mindlessly.
What is next for you?
I’m working on a new mystery during NaNoWriMo that I’m excited about. I’ve also got a mystery-suspense novel out on submission.
What are you reading now?
Killers of a Certain Age by Deanna Raybourne and In the Dark We Forget: A Novel by Sandra SG Wong are on my nightstand.
Where can we find you?
I blog with the Wicked Authors (WickedAuthors.com) and my website is JHAuthors.com. I’m on social media as @JHAuthors on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook.
Now to have some fun . . .
Vanilla or chocolate
Ice cream or cake
A tough one. Ice Cream. I’m from New England.
Broccoli or squash
Love them both. Squash because of the season.
Pizza, burger, or pasta
Another tough one. Burger.
Breakfast, lunch, or dinner
Breakfast. I could eat breakfast for every meal.
Mountain or beach
Beach. I love the water.
City or country
City, though as I get older I enjoy visiting the country more and more. I love living in a city.
Introvert or Extrovert
I am more of an introvert, but I live an extroverted life. I can seem like an extrovert (speak at functions, talk to people) but I need a nap afterwards.
And even more fun . . .
You are stranded on a deserted island. What are your three must-haves?
This is tough! Am I stranded as in no hope of getting off, or stranded as in a ship will be by in a few days/weeks. Do I need to have things to survive, in which case a tent, water purifier and generator leap to mind. I would be a terrible pioneer so the idea of being stranded doesn’t hold a lot of allure.
Or did the last person stranded fit it out with a place to sleep, fire pit? Is it more like glamping? If it’s the latter, my three things are a computer with a solar battery and a fully loaded Kindle app, a warm blanket and a knife. The knife has many uses (cooking, cutting wood, self-defense). Of course the knife may get switched out with skincare products. . .
Did I mention I’d be a terrible pioneer?
My bio:
As Julia Henry, Julie Hennrikus writes the Garden Squad series for Kensington. The fifth book in the series, The Plot Thickets, was released in October. As Julianne Holmes she wrote the Agatha nominated Clock Shop Mysteries for Berkley Prime Crime. As J.A. Hennrikus she writes the Theater Cop Mystery Series and has published several short stories. Julie is the executive director of Sisters in Crime. She blogs with the Wicked Authors (WickedAuthors.com), on her website at JHAuthors.com Twitter: @JHAuthors and Instagram: @JHAuthors.
Twizzlers? No chocolate???
Julie writes the best cozy mysteries with characters that leap from the page and sit right down for a good chat. I have enjoyed all of her books that I have read and am so thankful that she is a writer of cozy mysteries!
Julie, I like your thought process about the deserted island scenario. Dru, could you just change that question to “desserted” island so no one will want to leave–pretty please?
Oh, Julie, I’m with you on the glamping! I don’t think I’d survive without air conditioning. Looking forward to reading your books!
Hi, Julie. What a great interview! As you know, we both love traditional mystery and Agatha Christie. I am surprised though that you didn’t pick pizza as your favorite food. In addition to being a wonderful writer, I admire you because you’re always so supportive of other writers. Thank you!
Laughing at your stranded on an island answer.