Now it’s time to learn more about the authors we read. . .
What drew you to the genre you write?
I love reading mysteries, true crime, forensics, and police procedurals–and watching them on TV too. I guess it started around age 13 or so when I first read Edgar Allan Poe.
What’s the quirkiest quirk one of your characters has?
I guess my quirkiest character is Henny Wiley who likes to dumpster dive.
How did you come up with your pseudonym?
Michelle is my real name, but Bennington is not. But people always called me Bennington (because it’s similar to my real name, but shorter than my real one). So it seemed a natural fit that was easier for people to remember.
Tell us how you got into writing?
I’ve always loved books and loved to read and I loved the way a good book made me feel. So I wanted to do that for other people. So I started playing around with writing around age 13, writing very bad poetry. But I didn’t think I was any good at writing until I received high praises from an English teacher in high school (thank you, Mr. Campbell). From there I read every craft book I could find, joined workshops and writers’ groups, and practiced my craft.
What jobs have you held before, during and/or after you became a writer?
Retail jobs, restaurants while I was in school. Then I was a college instructor for a while. Then I moved into office work.
How many books do you have published?
6 so far, it will be 8 by the end of 2025! I can hardly believe it!
Where do you write?
Everywhere. I write on my laptop and it goes with me. I’ve written on planes, trains, automobiles, in cafes, airports, and hotels. But most of the time, I write in the living room in my cozy corner of the couch. Coffee on one side, Miss Maple my dog on the other, the TV blaring, and my husband trying to talk to me 🙂
What is your ideal time to write?
I used to prefer the mornings before work but I can’t seem to make that work anymore, so I’ve trained myself to write any time of day.
What is your favorite deadline snack?
Chocolate caramels, cheese and crackers, or peanut butter M&Ms.
What’s your favorite genre to read?
I love to read, so I read pretty widely. I love nonfiction about history or biographies or true crime, historical fiction, mystery, upmarket / literary, some poetry, some romance, fantasy / paranormal, westerns, inspirational, thriller. For many genres it just depends on the story, the author’s style, and the elements it includes. I don’t want to read books filled with gore / violence / sex / foul language.
What is something people would be surprised to know about you?
I’m freaked out by escalators and try to avoid them.
What is your favorite beverage to end the day?
Depends on my mood. My favorites tend to be water, herbal tea, cocoa, or milk.
Who is an author you admire?
That’s like choosing my favorite ice cream! Amy Belding Brown, Jocelyn Green, Jane Austen, Pablo Neruda, Mary Oliver
Have you any advice for aspiring or beginning writers?
If you’re wanting to be traditionally published, it’s really important to follow the submission guidelines for agents / publishers. They have their rules in place to make the process smooth for everyone. If you’re self-published, spend the money to hire a good editor. It’s so important.
What are you reading now?
The Shepherds by Hallie Lee (Book 4 in the Shady Gully Series) and A Tale So Timeless by Carmen Erickson (Book 4 in the Fairy Taled Series). Lee’s inspirational books are like watching Steel Magnolias. She gets me in the feels. And Erickson’s series is a fractured fairy tale which reminds me of the show Once Upon a Time. I love both series!
What is next for you?
I’m currently working on the 3rd and final book, Widow’s Peak, in my historical mystery series and as soon as that’s done, I’ll immediately begin writing the 3rd and final book for the Hazardous Hoarding series. And since I like working on multiple projects at a time, I will likely begin plotting a new series this year.
Where can we find you?
At I have a seasonal newsletter there (only 4 times a year!) where I send updates. Also on Facebook and Instagram.
Now to have some fun . . .
Breakfast, lunch, or dinner
Breakfast! I LOVE breakfast foods!
Fruits or vegetables
Chocolate, vanilla, or another flavor
Chocolate or hazelnut or caramel
Sweet or salty snacks
Sweet, sometimes sweet AND salty!
Ice cream or cake
Cooking or baking
Dining in or dining out
City life or country living
Country all the way!
Beach or mountain
Winter, Spring, Summer, or Fall
Extrovert or introvert
Early bird or night owl
Closer to Early Bird, I think. Though I’m probably more of a late morning to early afternoon crow…LOL
And even more fun . . .
What’s your favorite movie?
BBCs Pride and Prejudice starring Jennifer Ehle and Colin Firth. The best book to movie adaptation, though I will admit the atmosphere in the US version is probably closer to Austen’s reality.
You are stranded on a deserted island. What are your three must-haves?
Chocolate caramels, coffee, and a stack of books.
My bio:
Born and raised in the Commonwealth of Kentucky, Michelle Bennington developed a passion for books early on that has since progressed into a mild hoarding situation and an ever-growing to-read pile. She delights in transporting readers into worlds of mystery, both contemporary and historical. In rare moments of spare time, she can be found engaging in a wide array of arts and crafts, reading, traveling, and attending tours involving ghosts, historical sites, or distilleries.