Why do you write the genre that you write?
I write murder mysteries because I love reading them. Murder is the big taboo across all cultures. And cozy or traditional mysteries because I’m not good at writing about sex and gore.
What’s the quirkiest quirk one of your characters has?
Su Lin (from the Tree History Mysteries) tends to distrust respectable people and trust disreputable ones.
Tell us how you got into writing?
I started with drawing comics (when I was reading comics) to put my friends into stories. I also made up a huge family of brothers and sisters for myself and I used to draw / write our adventures. But it got tedious drawing rectangles and characters so these became written stories with occasional illustrations and eventually just writing.
What jobs have you held before, during and/or after you became a writer?
After dropping out of medical school I was a copy writer (how to use imported appliances), a magazine editor (Bride and Home—it’s since gone out of print but it did pretty well for a while), and I’ve done stints as a tutor and relief teacher which I enjoyed—but nothing feels as right as writing.
Where do you write?
At my computer at my desk in my office mostly. I set a timer so that I don’t sit for too long (and end up with back and neck problems). I’ve got two big screens and it’s the only place I can magnify the text to 200% so I can see what I’m writing.
What is your favorite deadline snack?Durian! I freeze boxes when it’s in season in anticipation of deadline time. Not just because it’s delicious (if you can get past the smell) it’s full of vitamins and minerals and anti-oxidants and amino acids like tryptophan (so it makes you happy like chocolate does)
Who is an author you admire?
Gigi Pandian. Her writing is fun and funny, her characters real and credible even when they’re incredible. I can willingly suspend belief when I’m immersed in her books and after reading them I always come back into the real world feeling better. I think it’s because though her protagonists and plots are clever they’re never mean or nasty.
What’s your favorite genre to read?
Humorous mysteries.
What are you reading now?
Dinners with Ruth: A Memoir on the Power of Friendships by Nina Totenberg. But I’m balancing that with The Scroll of the Dead by David Stuart Davies.
What is your favorite beverage to end the day?
Ginger tea with honey.
What is next for you?
I’m trying to get my website up and running properly (I set everything up then found myself locked out so I can’t update stuff…) hopefully before my next book comes out!
Where can we find you?
That website at ovidiayu.com if I get my act together. Otherwise on Facebook—though I’m having some difficulty managing my author page there too.
Now to have some fun . . .
Chocolate or vanilla
Chocolate Chocolate Chocolate Chocolate Chocolate!!!!!
Cake or ice cream
Cake—carrot cake by preference!
Fruits or vegetables
Fruits—durians, bananas, avocados, coconuts… I like vegetables too, but none of them beat out my favourite fruits. Except maybe edamame. And maybe seaweed, especially as nori. And wood ear fungus. And asparagus and enoki mushrooms… maybe this one’s a tie.
Breakfast, lunch, or dinner
Lunch. It’s my adventure, experimental meal. Breakfast is a routine—fruit & oat smoothie with chia seeds and wheatgerm in soy milk and dinner’s usually with husband so lunch is where I get to eat exactly what I like or try out new stuff.
Dining in or dining out
I’m always happiest dining in.
City life or country living
I like the idea of country living but I don’t think I could take it for more than a fortnight. I like the energy of city life as long as I have plenty of trees and greenery and some water nearby, that’s why living in Singapore suits me.
Beach or mountain
I’d like to be in the mountains looking down on the beach.
Summer or winter
Winter for sure! Though I’ve never had to live through the kind of winters I see online where people are digging their cars out of snow.
Short story or full-length novel
Novels. Both for writing and reading. Though I’ll read and write short stories given the chance. It’s like I’ll meet someone for coffee or drinks but if you like the person you’ll want to spend more time together—
Extrovert or introvert
I’m an introvert and generally find being around people tiring–but I find being around other book lovers exciting and energising so maybe I’m only an introvert around non readers.
Early bird or night owl
Early bird when I’m out—my only thought is when can I get home to bed. But when I’m home I can stay up all night reading…
And even more fun . . .
What’s your favorite movie?
RED. It’s my go to comfort watch. (I really hate RED2 and prefer to pretend it doesn’t exist)
You are stranded on a deserted island. What are your three must-haves?
My warfarin supply (or I’ll brain clot and die), Proust’s À la recherche du temps perdu (no way I’m going to finish reading it unless I’m stranded on a deserted island, so I might as well make the best of it) and my Tibetan singing bowl.
My bio:
Ovidia lives in and writes about Singapore. After accidentally getting into medical school, she dropped out and started writing for the theatre. After having over thirty plays staged, she switched to writing murder mysteries with the Aunty Lee Mysteries (featuring Aunty Lee, a wealthy widow and Nina, her Filipina helper and IT expert) and the History Tree Mysteries (starring Su Lin, polio survivor and wannabe journalist).
Sounds like fun!