Why do you write the genre that you write?
The first thing that attracted me to cozy mysteries was the punny titles. It didn’t take long before I was drawn in by the tight-knit communities and the whodunnit element. As a hardcore Murder, She Wrote fan, anything that combines those two elements is a winner.

What’s the quirkiest quirk one of your characters has?
Aunt Marnie is a die-hard hippie that lives like it’s still 1969. Confused but loveable, she is always fun to have around.

How did you come up with your pseudonym?
Ha, I named myself after my dog. How cozy is that?

Tell us how you got into writing?
I was a late bloomer. It wasn’t until I had my daughter, twelve years ago, that I realized I needed something to think about other than diapers and feeding.

What jobs have you held before, during and/or after you became a writer?
I spent a few years working as a civilian with the Royal Canadian Mounted Police preparing court documents. Afterwards I became a small business owner, running a golf driving range with a good friend. During that time I worked seven days a week from April until October then traveled during the winter. It was amazing when I was single but after settling down I knew it was time for a change. Now I write most days and work part-time at a high-end consignment shop. It’s a fun job and serves as a great place for inspiration. With all the regular customers, there is a sea of quirky characters. I live in a small lakeside town so it sometimes feels like I live in a cozy mystery.

Where do you write?
I rise early so I start the day writing in my favorite recliner. Once the kids are at school and the dog is walked I head over to the library where there are less distractions than at home.

What is your favorite deadline snack?
A toasted bagel with extra butter paired with a steaming hot coffee.

Who is an author you admire?
Vicki Delany. She’s written 50 books and still manages to always makes time to help out other authors (like me!).

What’s your favorite genre to read?
I love to read cozy mysteries, domestic suspense, thrillers, and modern romance (I’m a huge Emily Henry fan).

What are you reading now?
Olivia Blacke’s Vinyl Resting Place. It’s so much fun—I highly recommend it!

What is your favorite beverage to end the day?
I love sparkling water and drink it all day long. If I’m in the mood for something with more flavor I’ll make tea, Yogi Brand is my favorite, either Lemon Ginger or their Bedtime blend.

What is next for you?
I’m focused on the release of Petty in Pink, coming out in March 2024, but I’m already thinking ahead about what the characters are doing next. I also have a series coming out in June under Lynn McPherson with Level Best Books. It’s a busy year!

Where can we find you?
My first (social media) love is Instagram but I’m on all the major platforms or can be found on my website: sydneyleighbooks.com.


Now to have some fun . . .

Chocolate or vanilla
Blended together please—I love a good swirl

Cake or ice cream

Fruits or vegetables
Frozen fruit, fresh veggies

Breakfast, lunch, or dinner
I love to wind down over a nice dinner.

Dining in or dining out
Dining out please

City life or country living
I love my cozy town but I’m a city girl at heart.

Beach or mountain
I grew up near the Rocky Mountains so mountains for me!

Summer or winter

Short story or full-length novel

Extrovert or introvert
I’m taking improv classes at my local community center. They’re making an extrovert out of me!

Early bird or night owl
Early bird


And even more fun . . .

What’s your favorite movie?
Mean Girls, The Devil Wears Prada, and Pretty in Pink (of course!)

You are stranded on a deserted island. What are your three must-haves?
A pen and paper (can that count as one?), a beach umbrella (I prefer shade), and a copy of Pride and Prejudice.

My bio:
Sydney Leigh spent several years running a seasonal business, working in the summer so she could spend cold months in cool places. Now she writes modern cozy mysteries and thinks about murder. She is a member of Sisters in Crime, International Thriller Writers, and served on the board of Crime Writers of Canada from 2018-2021. Her first mystery with Crooked Lane Books will be published in March 2024.