Aug 19, 2023 | A Word With The Author
Why do you write the genre that you write?Crime fiction asks questions about justice, good and evil, and love and redemption in stories that entertain and challenge us. I’ve been hooked ever since middle school when I first dipped into my mom’s collection of Josephine...
Aug 12, 2023 | A Word With The Author
Why do you write the genre that you write?Crime fiction was the genre that I liked to read – any sub-genre but I especially enjoyed traditional mysteries. What’s the quirkiest quirk one of your characters has?So many of them have quirky personalities that is...
Aug 5, 2023 | A Word With The Author
Why do you write the genre that you write?As a reader, I was always drawn to mysteries from an early age. The Bobbsey Twins, The Happy Hollanders, Harriet the Spy. As an adult and a writer, I was drawn toward writing mysteries because I enjoyed the challenge of...
Jul 29, 2023 | A Word With The Author
Why do you write the genre that you write?I’ve always gravitated toward mysteries. From the time I first started to read, I’d reach for the darker, more mysterious stories on the library shelf. When I’d exhausted those, my mother introduced me to the works of Christie...
Jul 22, 2023 | A Word With The Author
Why do you write the genre that you write?I write mysteries as those are the books I like to read the most. I enjoy a story that has resolution at the end, where the questions are answered and the story makes sense. I’m a Libra so that sense of justice and...
Jul 15, 2023 | A Word With The Author
Why do you write the genre that you write?I write cozy mysteries because I enjoy solving problems. My amateur sleuths solve murder mysteries. They tackle murders without any formal training. They use their wits and they question friends and foes. Another reason I...