Why do you write the genre that you write?
As a reader, I was always drawn to mysteries from an early age. The Bobbsey Twins, The Happy Hollanders, Harriet the Spy. As an adult and a writer, I was drawn toward writing mysteries because I enjoyed the challenge of knitting together a whodunnit. I chose to write humor because I have always enjoyed making people laugh, either on purpose or by accident.

What’s the quirkiest quirk one of your characters has?
My character, Peggy Rubenstein, in the Barbara Marr series is obsessed with everything Italian. She routinely uses Italian words and even once delved into her Irish ancestry, certain she’d find some Italian DNA if she digged deeply enough.

Tell us how you got into writing?
I tried writing my first book when I was in the sixth grade. It was called The Adventures of Frog and Mr. Toad. I got a few chapters in then discovered a little book called The Wind in the Willows and realized I was essentially writing a book that had already been written. I never gave up on my dream of writing a book – started many over the years, but just couldn’t finish one. The proverbial unfinished novels in the desk drawer syndrome. Finally, in 2008, I committed myself to actually finishing a book. I didn’t care if it was good or bad, I just needed to type THE END. And that’s how my first Barbara Marr book was born.

What jobs have you held before, during and/or after you became a writer?
Besides writing, I am a vision therapist in my husband’s optometric practice. Helping people with vision problems is extremely rewarding, so I haven’t given it up entirely.

Where do you write?
Where ever the creative bug bites: my office at my desk, on my couch in my living room, at our dining room table, in my screened-in back porch (not in the winter!), in front of my gas fireplace (especially in winter). I can even write in a coffee shop if I have headphones.

What is your favorite deadline snack?
Potato chips! (ruffled)

Who is an author you admire?
Donna Andrews – she has kept her Meg Langslow series fresh and funny for what will soon be 34 books. That’s a very hard thing to do.

What’s your favorite genre to read?
I actually don’t have a favorite genre. I read mysteries, thrillers, young-adult, dystopian, fantasy, sci fi. If it has compelling and interesting characters with a solid story, I’ll read it.

What are you reading now?
The Complete Tales of Winnie the Pooh

What is your favorite beverage to end the day?
A cold glass of white wine (preferably sauvignon blanc)

What is next for you?
I will admit to having some major writer’s block the last couple of years. Having just finished a fun Barbara Marr short story, I was inspired to take a stab at another of her novels, so I have a secret Barbara Marr book in the planning stages (I guess that’s not a secret anymore). I’d also like to start a new mystery series with a new set of characters, possibly another paranormal mystery series. I have a thing for ghosts.

Where can we find you?
Major online booksellers like Amazon, Barne & Noble, Apple books, and Kobo. Also at karencantwell.com or on Facebook at karencantwellauthor.


Now to have some fun . . .

Chocolate or vanilla
Chocolate all the way, baby!!! Vanilla is for sissies.

Cake or ice cream
Ice cream on my cake. Please don’t make me choose.

Fruits or vegetables
Vegetables – they keep me regular. (ask a personal question, get a personal answer)

Breakfast, lunch, or dinner
Brunch all the way baby!!

Dining in or dining out
I hate to cook so that’s probably all I need to say there

City life or country living
Country living with regular visits to the city. I’ve always dreamed of having a farm with a pond and ducks. There’s another question for you: ducks or geese (ducks all the way, baby!)

Beach or mountain
Mountains in the summer, beach in the winter.

Summer or winter
Summer, summer, summer. I’m the only person I know who loves heat and humidity. You know all of those people who say how much they love fall? Me? I just think of it as the beginning of winter and then I get all depressed.

Short story or full-length novel
Either! I SO love a well-written short story. You can read them in one sitting and get your literary fix fast.

Extrovert or introvert
Depends on the situation. I’m the kind of person who will say hi to almost anyone and often end up in random conversations with people I don’t know as a result, but put me in a social situation, like a writers’ conference, and I suddenly become an introvert. It’s an enigma.

Early bird or night owl
Early bird. Can not seem to keep my eyes open past 8:30 pm!


And even more fun . . .

What’s your favorite movie?
Dru, you’re killing me! Argh! Okay, if forced to the mat, I say Casablanca. I absolutely love the witty banter and always always always adore Bogie. He’s the man.

You are stranded on a deserted island. What are your three must-haves?
A bag of potato chips, a glass of white wine, and a lamp with a magic genie who can get me out of there after I relax on the beach a while.

My bio:
Karen Cantwell is a comedienne at heart. She loves to make people laugh with her USA Today bestselling Barbara Marr Murder Mystery series, Sophie Rhodes Ghostly Romance series, and many short stories, published in various anthologies and magazines. You can learn more about Karen and her works at KarenCantwell.com.