Aug 20, 2022 | A Word With The Author
Why do you write the genre that you write?When I was a litigator and then a judge, I traveled quite a bit. I found that cozy mysteries and biographies were the two types of books that relaxed me, and that I could read quickly on airplanes. Because a good cozy mystery...
Aug 13, 2022 | A Word With The Author
Why do you write the genre that you write?Hi, Dru! Thank you so very much for inviting me to participate in this interview. I appreciate the opportunity. There are so many reasons I enjoy the mystery genre. I love the puzzles. I love creating a world in which when...
Aug 6, 2022 | A Word With The Author
Why do you write the genre that you write?The world needs both more laughter and more happy endings these days. I may not have the power to mete out justice in real life, but I can do it in my fiction. The bad guys need to pay for their evil misdeeds; the good guys...
Jul 30, 2022 | A Word With The Author
Why do you write the genre that you write?It was originally an offer from my publisher asking if I wanted to write a cozy murder mystery series for him set in England. I told him I did not know enough about England to set a murder mystery there but then I paused and...
Jul 23, 2022 | A Word With The Author
Why do you write the genre that you write?I have loved mysteries since I was a child. It’s what I always read, and I never really considered another genre. What’s the quirkiest quirk one of your characters has?In the Amish Candy Shop Mysteries one of my characters is...
Jul 16, 2022 | A Word With The Author
Why do you write the genre that you write?I write cozy mysteries now, and I write them because they are fun. They’re fun for me and fun (I hope) for my readers. I started my career writing psychological suspense and police procedurals, then I turned to the light side,...