Feb 24, 2024 | A Word With The Author
Now it’s time to learn more about the authors we read. . . Why do you write the genre you do? I write Cozy Mysteries because that’s what I like to read. Cozy Mysteries always have a happy ending, there’s no blood and guts, and they’re light easy reads. What’s...
Feb 17, 2024 | A Word With The Author
Now it’s time to learn more about the authors we read. . . Why do you write the genre that you write? I’m a history buff and a mystery buff, so historical mysteries are what I love to read and write. And being fascinated with English history and the Regency era...
Feb 10, 2024 | A Word With The Author
Now it’s time to learn more about the authors we read. . . Why do you write the genre that you write? I don’t think I ever chose to write crime fiction. I feel like it chose me. I’ve always had a twisted imagination and have turned to the page to metabolize...
Feb 3, 2024 | A Word With The Author
Now it’s time to learn more about the authors we read. . . Why do you write the genre that you write? I love the puzzle of putting together motives, opportunities, and suspects, and I love history and enjoy doing the research, so historical mysteries are the...
Jan 27, 2024 | A Word With The Author
Now it’s time to learn more about the authors we read. . . Why do you write the genre that you write? I love the twists and turns of a mystery, the chance to play games with the plot and characters. As for writing historicals set in Victorian England, I’m...
Jan 20, 2024 | A Word With The Author
Now it’s time to learn more about the authors we read. . . Why do you write the genre that you write? I write detective fiction, and I’ve always loved the romantic take on the detective: a nosy, curious sort who is crusading on behalf of justice. I like my...