Now it’s time to learn more about the authors we read. . .


Why do you write the genre that you write?
I don’t think I ever chose to write crime fiction. I feel like it chose me. I’ve always had a twisted imagination and have turned to the page to metabolize darkness. Most writers in this genre seek to order the chaos they perceive in the world by writing fiction. Readers probably come to the page for the same thing. Crime fiction is a crucible. When we meet people under extreme pressure, we often see them as they really are. And since exploring characters is the central driver for my writing, crime fiction always seems like the perfect place to find answers to the questions I have about people, and why they do the things they do.

What’s the quirkiest quirk one of your characters has?
You mean besides being homicidal, addicted, mentally unstable, or worst of all — writers? I can’t think of any quirks!

How did you come up with your pseudonym?
I’ve never worked with a pseudonym. I initially wrote under my maiden name Lisa Miscione. Then later I started publishing under my married name Lisa Unger. I just emailed the five people (including my grandma) who had read my first books and told them to look out for the new me!

Tell us how you got into writing?
For me, the dream began when I was just a kid. I have always most naturally expressed myself through writing, creating stories to entertain myself and others. The world of my imagination is often more comfortable than the real world. Being a published, full-time writer is the only dream I ever had for my life. And looking back, I can see clearly that every choice I made, whether I knew it or not at the time, has led me here.

What jobs have you held before, during and/or after you became a writer?
In my publishing career, I started as a publicity assistant and, eventually, over the next seven years, climbed up the ranks to an associate director of publicity at (then) Penguin Putnam. Before that, I was a waitress, a babysitter, a retail shop girl, and a bookstore clerk. Even after I published my first novel, I was a freelance public relations writer.

How many books do you have published?
The New Couple In 5B, releasing on March 5, 2024, will be my 21st published novel.

Where do you write?
I have an office on the top floor of our townhome, which is filled with books and a big comfy couch and has a beautiful view of the intracoastal waterway. I like to do my creative writing at my desk on an Apple iMac and then research and all other business on my laptop.

What is your favorite deadline snack?

Who is an author you admire?
This is a hard one to answer, because I know so many authors who are also friends and I’m sure I would leave somebody out if I tried to name them all. But, in general I most admire writers who strive to get better with each book, who always seem to be digging deep for something new, fresh, different — Dennis Lehane, Lauren Groff, James McBride.

What’s your favorite genre to read?
I’ve always been a literary omnivore, reading widely across genres. I’m looking for a big, character-rich story, with beautiful language, and lots of layers. I’m not concerned as much about genre as I am about being transported and recharging my writer batteries.

What are you reading now?
Here In The Dark by Alexis Soloski. This was a holiday gift from my pals at Tombolo Books here in St. Petersburg. I started it over the holidays and have been totally immersed in this darkly funny thriller about a theater critic with a dark past. Love the voice, the atmosphere, and New York City setting. Highly recommend.

What is your favorite beverage to end the day?
Peppermint tea.

What is next for you?
The New Couple In 5B releases on March 5, so I’ll be on the road for that! I just finished the final draft of my 2025 book. More on that to come!

Where can we find you?
I am just about everywhere…
– Website:
– Instagram: @launger
– Facebook: @authorlisaunger
– X: @lisaunger


Now to have some fun . . .

Chocolate, vanilla, or another flavor?
Chocolate, always!

Ice cream or cake?
Cake … or ice cream. Wait. Can’t I have both? Oh, but they have to be dairy-free.

Fruits or vegetables?
Ugh! This is hard. Both again! My favorite (okay, not my favorite, but my daily) drink is a green smoothie with apple, kale, berries and water. Okay, fruit. Everyone likes fruit better, right?

Breakfast, lunch, or dinner?
I could skip dinner or lunch, but never breakfast.

Dining in or dining out?
My husband and I are foodies, so dining out, especially somewhere new.

City life or country living?
City life

Beach or mountain?
I live at the beach, so I’m always wishing for a mountain getaway!

Spring, Summer, Fall, or Winter?
Winter, maybe because I live in Florida where it’s mostly warm. I crave a snowy day by the fire.

Extrovert or introvert?

Early bird or night owl?
Early bird


And even more fun . . .

What’s your favorite movie?
Of all times? Impossible. Okay, really, it’s — don’t judge me — “Star Wars.” I’ve been watching this franchise since I was eight years old. Every Thanksgiving, I start a marathon and watch all 9 movies again — it usually takes the rest of the year. I know. I’m a total geek. Favorite movie of last year: “Flora and Son,” which I found funny, sad, and beautiful.

You are stranded on a deserted island. What are your three must-haves?
I’m going to need an unabridged dictionary because I’m a word nerd. A copy of Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte, because this is a story that never gets old. And Walden by Henry David Thoreau because I’ve returned to this text again and again, and I always learn something new — about the world, and about myself.

My bio:
Lisa Unger is the New York Times and internationally bestselling author of twenty novels, including her latest Secluded Cabin Sleeps Six. With books published in thirty-three languages and millions of copies sold worldwide, she is regarded as a master of suspense. Lisa is the current co-President of the International Thriller Writers organization. She lives on the west coast of Florida with her family.