Sometimes the best way to know a person is by asking questions, where you can learn more about what makes them tick. Get to know Kate with her answers below.

What is your name?
– – Kate McKenzie.

How old are you?
– – I keep saying I’m in my early 30s because I haven’t yet hit 35. Let’s leave it at that, okay?

What is your profession?
– – I’m a professional organizer by day, supermom by night—okay, regular mom who wishes she had super powers. But doesn’t every mom wish that?

Do you have a significant other?
– –  Yes, I’ve been married 10 years, and I still love my husband.

What is his name?
– – Keith McKenzie

What is his profession?
– – He’s now a nighttime sports anchor for WHZE sports radio, which covers the Northeastern area of the country, but he’s a retired NHL goalie from various teams—my favorite was when he played for (and we lived in) Vancouver.

Any children?
– – Twin elementary aged daughters, Samantha (Sam) and Suzanne (Suze). Sam’s our athlete and Suze is our über-creative child. Both are gifted in the art of sarcasm and eye rolling. And their grandfather believes they’ll make terrific attorneys since they’ve already honed their arguing skills at such an early age.

Do you have any sibling(s)?
– – None. I was an only child, so as a mom I’m just winging this ‘how to deal with sibling rivalry’ stuff.

Cats, dogs or other pets?
– – We now have a one-eyed gold and orange cat who my daughters say followed them home, but I’m pretty sure was coaxed along the way. He has succeeded in wrapping me around his little paw—okay, big paw. He’s a husky cat.

What town do you live in?
– – We live in Hazelton, Vermont, which is Keith’s hometown. His parents still live in the house he grew up in. I love having them nearby for support, and the girls especially like having grandparents who pop in regularly.

Do you rent or own?
– – We own a blue Victorian style house. We’ve moved so much because of Keith’s hockey career that it’s really nice to put down roots finally.

House or building complex?
– – We live in a little cul-de-sac neighborhood. Eight houses with large yards make up our small group.

What is your favorite spot in your house?
– – I love our living room in the evenings, because that’s usually where our family spends a little time together just before Keith heads to the radio station to do his show. He flips ESPN channels to catch up on any sports trivia he’s missed during the day, and the girls are usually on the floor with some big project spread out on the floor and trying to convince her sister that each of their ways is the best one for the project. I’m usually curled up on the couch with a notepad and pen, trying to plan out the next day, or I spend the time reading a cozy mystery if no one is asking me questions. The cat, naturally, is wherever he wants to be at the moment and leaving cat hair behind as his calling card. And he always seems to know when I’m reading a mystery involving a cat. He’ll move to my lap and actually appear to be reading along—not that I believe he can read. Well, not all the words at least.

Who is your best friend?
– – Meg Berman, my next door neighbor, partner in organization and crime, and my go-to person whenever a mothering dilemma or another murder crops up in my life. Just as a point of reference, our favorite spot in my house is my kitchen, because Meg and I do most of our planning on jobs and sleuthing at my kitchen table.

Amateur sleuth or professional?
– – Definitely amateur sleuth. I keep trying to convince people I’m not interested in solving murders—until last year I never even watched detective shows on television (but the librarian at the Hazelton Library has me hooked now on Murder She Wrote DVDs). However, since I’ve solved a number of murders—and I’m currently trying to solve the latest to keep my best friend out of the slammer—it’s getting harder for people to believe me when I say I’m only a professional organizer.

Whom do you work with when sleuthing?
– – Mostly Meg Berman, since we tend to stumble onto the murders as we work. But Keith was my sidekick on a quick one last summer (don’t tell him I said that—he might not like the idea of being my sidekick since he keeps trying to get me to stop finding dead bodies).

Favorite meal?
– – I love meals I can plan ahead and have cooking all day, so I just have to bring together the different parts in the evening. Before Keith and I married, I was an event planner, and I had to coordinate a lot of dinners and weddings that required many moving parts. Because of the stress of those years, I now try to make meals one of the easiest parts of my day—at least as much as possible.

Favorite dessert?
– – My favorite dessert is always cookies—any kind of cookies. And I love developing recipes I can use to pre-freeze cookies in a way where I can pull out just a few at a time, so I won’t be tempted by three-dozen freshly made cookies every time I bake. I also love sharing the recipes with my friends.

Favorite hobby?
– – I enjoyed striking off on my own to do photography when I was young. My parents and I lived in the northwestern part of the U.S., and there was always something I wanted to capture on film. It’s even easier now with digital photography, but with the busyness of being a mom and wife, and with the business to run, too, the only photos I tend to take are of my friends and family. Someday, I need to find time to get back to doing photography just for me, I know.

Favorite vacation spot?
– – We’ve lived a lot of places, but we really haven’t had the time or money to do a lot of vacationing. Until we moved to Vermont, we went there for Christmas each year, and I loved the real-life Currier & Ives effect the snow had on the state. Though, before this latest murder happened, Meg got all of us and her family to the national park around Mount Equinox, trying to make sure we had a relaxing time before school started again. Except another murder occurred, and the vacation was put on hiatus while the police investigated.

Favorite color?
– – Yellow. I love it in every shade. Anything yellow makes me smile.

Favorite author?
– – As I mentioned before, I’m reading cozy mysteries as I’m hoping they help me avoid some of the murderous pitfalls I tend to land in. Lately, I’ve been reading a collection of wonderful mystery short stories by Eleanor Cawood Jones called A Baker’s Dozen, which are just the right size for me to fit into my busy schedule. And the cat seems to really like a new series I’m reading that includes a black cat detective named Trouble. A bunch of wonderful mystery authors are writing titles in the Trouble series, and I’m enjoying the original take each author has on the theme. The first book in the series is Familiar Trouble by Carolyn Haines, but I’ve found they’re all great standalone books, and I’ve read them out of order without any confusion.

Favorite sports team?
– – My girls’ soccer team, the Pink Panthers. Sam hates the name, but Suze thinks it’s perfect. As far as pro teams go, I decided to give myself a vacation from all of that when Keith retired from being an NHL goalie—but he still keeps up on everything in the sports arena.

Movies or Broadway?
– –  Movies are much more convenient, of course, and I can happily watch them again and again—but I absolutely adore seeing a play. When I saw Phantom of the Opera for the first time, for example, I was enthralled by the way the props move so seamlessly through the entire performance. Like a sleight of hand trick. I know my eyes never left the stage, but at each scene change, as if by magic, I’d suddenly realize everything had shifted to show a new place, a new time, a new change in atmosphere and dimension—all becoming completely different right before my eyes. I don’t fall into that kind of absorbing experience with movies, like I do with Broadway plays. Since Phantom is currently celebrating it’s 30th anniversary, I need to convince Keith we should take a weekend and head to New York to see it again.

Are you a morning or a night person?
– – I’m pretty much an everything I need to be person. Meg and I are both running into each others’ house early each morning, after we’ve gotten our kids up and they’re getting ready for school. Then we trade off running morning carpools. We try not to start our organizing jobs until after the kids are in school, but sometimes our client needs us onsite before eight, and we always try to accommodate client schedules when we can. In those kinds of instances, Keith gets up and runs the kids to school, but since he’s scheduled on the air until eleven each evening—later if a live remote game goes into overtime—he always gets home after midnight. Which means I’m usually up until after midnight, too, because I want to make sure my whole family is safe at home before I go to sleep.

In a few sentences, what is a typical day in your life like?
– – I can do it in one word—busy. Like most moms, I’m everyone’s point person, and there is always something on my list to take care of or to remember. I live by lists.

I want to thank Dru’s Book Musings for inviting me here today. I really enjoyed this change of pace.

You can read about Kate in Organized for S’More Death, the fourth book in the “Organized” mystery series. The first book in the series is Organized For Murder.

Who knew camping could be so deadly. . .

A family outing in a national forest seemed like the best kind of R&R to Meg Berman. Even Kate McKenzie was convinced after learning a fully equipped cabin was part of the plan. When a scavenger hunt in the woods turns up a dead body, however, the natural beauty around them takes a decidedly sinister twist. Worse, the police suspect one of them as the prime suspect. They not only must get off the police radar–but at the same time stay out of the killer’s crosshairs and keep their families safe.

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About the author
Organized for S’more Death is the newest release in the popular Organized Mysteries series from USA TODAY bestselling author Ritter Ames, which features a small town New England setting and interesting characters, along with humor, strong family and friendship ties, and absorbing cozy mysteries.

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