Lottawatah Twister by Evelyn David is the sixth book in the “Brianna Sullivan” mystery series. July 2011

In Lottawatah Twister, a powerful tornado wreaks destruction on everything in its path and stirs up some unsettled ghosts. It’s up to Brianna to figure out whodunnit before the killer strikes again. Leon, the adorable and digestively-challenged bulldog, is back at the center of the action and more than once saves the day – and the beef jerky. Brianna is forced to answer a question that she’s avoided since the day she arrived in Lottawatah: why is she sticking around? Lottawatah Twister has more twists and turns than a funnel cloud, with humor to make you laugh out loud and a romance that will touch your heart.

When a tornado touches down in town, the laundromat where Brianna worked was destroyed and an unexpected visitor makes their presence known. Brianna uncovers more than she realizes and as she gets closer to exposing the truth, someone wants her out of town, permanently. I really enjoy my visits to Lottawatah, Oklahoma. This evenly-paced and action-filled mystery was so good that I could not put this book down as I quickly turned the pages. You never know who’s going to show up and taunt Brianna into solving the puzzle that will send them *home*. What I like most is that with each story, Brianna learns more about herself and the town she has come to love. I can’t wait to read about the next sightings in this enjoyable series.

Evelyn David is the pseudonym for Marian Edelman Borden and Rhonda Dossett.