Rolling Thunder by Chris Grabenstein is the 6th book in the “John Ceepak” mystery series. Publisher: Pegasus, May 2010

Officer Danny Boyle isn’t the only one going for a roller coaster ride in Rolling Thunder, the sixth entry in author Chris Grabenstein’s John Ceepak mystery series. Memorial Day weekend in Sea Haven, New Jersey finds Danny and his partner, John Ceepak, working crowd control at the grand opening of the Rolling Thunder roller coaster. “Big Paddy” O’Malley, owner of the Rolling Thunder, his family, and assorted town dignitaries are also on hand to be the first to experience the seaside town’s newest attraction.

They get more than they bargained for when Mrs. O’Malley has a heart attack and dies during the coaster’s initial run. Though the death appears on the surface to be nothing more than an unfortunate tragedy, Ceepak and Boyle are bothered by the lack of distress exhibited by several members of the family and begin looking into the workings of the O’Malley clan. As they are doing so another death, this one unquestionably a murder, confirms their suspicion that something is fishy in Sea Haven.

This was an enjoyable read that once I started it, I couldn’t put it down. A roller coaster was the last ride Mrs. O’Malley took and when John and Danny become involved in the investigation, you know it will be solved with the grit and humor. My rating: 4 stars

*new-to-me author