Duck The HallsFrom: Josh and Jamie Waterston
Caerphilly, Virginia

To: Santa Claus
The North Pole

Dear Santa,

This is Rob Langslow writing to you on behalf of my nephews, Joshua Blake Waterston (Josh) and James Langslow Waterston (Jamie). They both assure me that they have been very good this year. Except for the time they dyed Spike purple, and if they’d known how upset Mommy and Daddy would be they wouldn’t have done it, and they’re very sorry. And Spike didn’t mind. So they deserve to be on the “nice” list.

Josh and Jamie would very much like to have electric train sets. They want me to be sure and tell you that they don’t want just one train set, because if they only had one set they would have to share and they always get a lot of time outs when they have to share.

Josh would like to have a shark. Not a stuffed shark, a real one that he could put in the bathtub to eat Jamie when he is bad. If he can’t have a real one, a stuffed one would be okay as long as it is really big and has sharp teeth and can scare Jamie.

Jamie would like to have a Tyrannosaurus Rex to bite Josh if Josh puts his shark in Jamie’s bath, because Tyrannosaurus Rexes are much bigger and meaner than sharks and make bigger bites. And if he can’t have a real Tyrannosaurus Rex he would like a remote control one that makes scary noises and bites.

Josh would like his shark to be remote controlled too, and as big as a dinosaur and with sharper teeth.

Moving on.

Josh would like a ferret. He says you shouldn’t tell Mommy and Daddy about it before you bring it, because they’d only say no, but he’s positive that once they met the ferret they would really like it.

Jamie doesn’t need any pets for himself, but he thinks Mommy and Daddy would really like it if you brought them each a white mouse, or possibly a Russian winter white dwarf hamster. And he could help out by letting them put the cage in his room.

Jamie would like a bicycle. Not a tricycle, but a real big-kid bicycle.
With training wheels for now. Because he’s getting too big for a tricycle. Josh also thinks this is a good idea, and he wants a blue bike. Jamie says that’s not fair, because he asked first and he wants a blue bike. Josh says too bad, and you should bring Jamie a red one. Or Jamie could have a blue bike as long as it was a very different blue.

(Hey, guys—I have an idea. How about if I give you bikes for Christmas, and we could go together and pick them out and make sure they’re different from each other. Sound good?)

Okay. Sorry, Santa. Forget the bike request; we’ll be taking care of that locally.

Jamie and Josh would also like some more toy cars and trucks. Yes, even though they already have dozens. There’s so such thing as too many cars and trucks.

And they would like lots of candy in their stockings, and please remember that Josh likes dark chocolate and Jamie likes milk chocolate and even Mommy won’t eat white chocolate.

Josh and Jamie join me in hoping you and Mrs. Claus and the elves had a very nice year and didn’t have to work too hard. They send love to Rudolph and all the other reindeer.

(and their uncle Rob)

You can read more about the Langslow family in Duck The Halls, the 16th book in the “Meg Langslow” mystery series, published by Minotaur. The first book in the series is Murder with Peacocks. Books are available at retail and online booksellers.

Donna is giving away one (1) copy of DUCK THE HALLS. Leave a comment to be included in the giveaway. Contest ends October 26; US entries only.

Meet the author
Donna Andrews is the author of sixteen (soon to be seventeen!) books in her Meg Langslow series from Minotaur. After Duck the Halls (October 2013) comes The Good, The Bad, and the Emus (July 2014).

You can reach Donna at her website, on Twitter or on Facebook.