Chicken Caccia-Killer by Liz Lipperman

Chicken Caccia-Killer by Liz Lipperman is the fourth book in the “Clueless Cook/Jordan McAllister” mystery series. Publisher: Liz Lipperman, December 2013 Forced to fight to keep her job as the culinary reporter at the Ranchero Globe, Jordan covers the...

Billionaire Blend by Cleo Coyle

Billionaire Blend by Cleo Coyle is the 13th book in the “Coffeehouse” mystery series. Publisher: Berkley, December 2013, Berkley Landmark coffeehouse manager Clare Cosi has served her share of New York’s rich and famous, but even she is surprised by her...

Mike Lawson and Rosarito Beach

It’s been a pretty good year for me. My eighth Joe DeMarco political thriller, House Odds, was released in July 2013, the ninth DeMarco, House Reckoning, is coming out in July 2014, and I’ve just started a new series with a female protagonist named Kay Hamilton. The...