A Day in the Life with Cliff Sebastian by Paige Shelton

Occupation: Police Officer, Broken Rope, Missouri. Home is where the heart is, that’s what they say. And, I admit, for me home, Broken Rope, Missouri, is exactly where I left my heart. I was lucky to find it again when I went back. I’m beginning to think that a...

A Day in the Life with Maxie Pierce by Kylie Logan

Up early. (And by early I mean somewhere around ten.) First things first . . . breakfast. Coffee. Lots of coffee. And a couple Hostess cupcakes. Shower and become the Chili Chick and– What’s that? Who’s the Chili Chick? Something tells me you haven’t been to a Chili...

Angie Curtis and the Halloween Promise by Lea Wait

The massive Victorian house was dark, silhouetted against the night sky. The shutters banged with the cold wind, and moonlight reflected off shattered windows No welcoming lights invited Trick or Treaters to call. No one had lived in the old Gardener place for years....

A Day In The Life Of Janice Rogers by Mary McHugh

Occupation: Actress I can’t believe I woke up in Paris this morning! It’s still the same beautiful city it was when I came here on my honeymoon with my first husband, Derek. Two husbands later, I’m here dancing with my four other fifty-something Hoofers on a Bateau...