Why do you write the genre that you write?
It’s mostly mysteries. I blame my mom being a court reporter and a lot of trips to the library with no rules when I was a kid.

Tell us how you got into writing?
We got Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine which I fished out of the mailbox and read cover to cover each month from the time I could spell. When I started writing mystery stories starring my stuffed animal collection it just seemed like the thing to do.

What’s next for you?
I’m trying to write more and longer. I am involved in several short story anthologies and am polishing a draft for a cozy series debut. I’d write a romance if I could quit killing off characters; such a mood spoiler.

What are you reading now?
I’m serial reading Sue Grafton’s Kinsey Millhone books, finally. Just finished serial reading Heather Webber, Julie Mulhern, and Todd Borg. Right this minute, I’m reading Gretchen Archer’s Double Wide for the third time because it’s THAT funny.

Where can we find you?
At an airport, adding half and half to my coffee, on my couch, or walking around looking for flowers to photograph. I spend most of my time figuring out what’s for dinner.


Now to have some fun . . .

Vanilla or chocolate
I like striped but if you push me, chocolate every single time.

Pizza or burgers
Hmmm. Yes.

Broccoli or squash
Honestly, I cook them together.

Breakfast, lunch, or dinner
Breakfast for dinner. Or for breakfast.

Mountain or beach
Live in the mountains, visit the beach. Or vice versa after I retire.

Introvert or Extrovert
That’s a trick question. I’m an extrovert who requires excessive alone time for sanity.


And even more fun . . .

You are stranded on a deserted island. What are your three must-haves?
Coffee, a full library, and that guy I hang out with. (And before you say,
awww, how sweet, he can build a shelter and catch fish. 🙂 )

My bio:
Eleanor Cawood Jones is a globe-trotting author of short mystery fiction, and a proud coffee enthusiast. Her two most recent short stories are featured in Murder By The Glass, and in Murder On The Beach, A Destination Murders Short Story Collection. She received a 2021 Derringer Award for “The Great Bedbug Incident and the Invitation of Doom” in Chesapeake Crimes: Invitation to Murder.