Aurora Anderson first appeared in Fatal Brushstroke and one of the best ways to learn about a person is by asking questions, so let’s get to know Rory.

What is your name?
Aurora Amelia Anderson, but everyone calls me Rory.

How old are you?

What is your profession?
I’m a freelance computer programmer. I put together websites, create apps and write all kinds of software for clients. I love creating something from just an idea and helping people to solve their problems. I’m proud of what I do. I think that an elegant piece of code is a beautiful thing, to my mind just as beautiful as any piece of art.

Do you have a significant other?
Yes, I’ve been dating someone for about 4 months now.

What is his name and profession?
His name is Martin Green. He’s a detective here in Vista Beach. We met when I found the body of my painting teacher in my garden and he suspected I might be responsible. Not the best beginning for a relationship, I suppose. We didn’t start dating until months later after we got to know each other better.

Any children?

Do you have any sibling(s)?
No. At least not as far as I know. I was adopted at 2 years old after my birth parents died in a fire. People tell me I’m an only child. I don’t remember my life before I was adopted. As far as I’m concerned, Arika and Swan Anderson are my parents.

Do your parents live near you?
Yes. They live here in Vista Beach, about ten minutes away from my place. We’re very close. Sometimes I help out at my mother’s store, Arika’s Scrap ’n Paint. She sells decorative painting and scrapbook supplies.

Who is your best friend?
Elizabeth Dexter. Liz is a real estate agent here in town. She loves decorative painting as much as I do. We attend painting conventions together and we’re members of the same painting chapter.

Cats, dogs or other pets?
I adopted a cat whose owner passed away not long ago. She’s an Abyssinian named Sekhmet. My parents have a cat, but I never really thought about having a pet of my own until she needed a home. Now I can’t imagine my life without her.

What town do you live in?
Vista Beach, California. It’s one of the beach cities in Los Angeles County. I was born here, but I didn’t grow up here. We moved back to town almost three years ago now after my grandmother passed away and we inherited some property.

House or building complex? Own or Rent?
I have a small house that I inherited from my grandmother, single story stucco, twelve hundred square feet with a nice back yard. I’m within walking distance of downtown and the beach, which is nice. It’s the perfect place for me.

What is your favorite spot in your house?
My work area. It’s one half of the great room that spans the front of my house. It’s bright and sunny and I can look outside when I’m working. It’s nice to know what the weather’s like and what’s going on in the neighborhood during the day. Much better than being shut up in an office with no windows.

Favorite meal? Favorite dessert?
I don’t really have a favorite meal. I admit I eat a lot of takeout, but I’m starting to cook more now that I’ve been dating Martin for a while. For dessert, I love anything chocolate mint. Chocolate mint candy (Frangos are my favorites), chocolate mint ice cream, chocolate mint cake. . . And, of course, Thin Mints, preferably frozen.

Favorite hobby?
Decorative painting. Some people call it tole painting. I love painting all sorts of designs on wood, fabric, suede, tin. . .well, just about anything. Halloween and Christmas decorations are my favorite things to paint.

Favorite color?
I love all shades of blue.

Favorite author?
Agatha Christie. I’ve read all of her books at least once. My favorite is And Then There Were None.

Favorite vacation spot?
Living at the beach is almost like being on vacation every day. But when I want to get away, I prefer something further inland like the mountains. Not that I have a lot of time for vacations these days. I’m really busy with work.

Favorite sports team?
I don’t have a favorite team. I’m not really into sports.

Movies or Broadway?
I love plays, but I’d have to say movies. I have a great setup at home so I can watch them here. I also have a fondness for silent films. There’s a historic theater here in town that periodically shows silents with live accompaniment on its 1925 Wurlitzer organ. I go as often as I can.

Are you a morning or a night person?
I’m definitely more of a night person. I can get up early if I have to, but generally there’s only one six o’clock in my world and it’s not in the morning.

Amateur sleuth or professional?
Amateur sleuth.

Whom do you work with when sleuthing?
Liz, my BFF. She knows practically everyone in town. Martin doesn’t really like it when I start poking around, but sometimes you just have to! I don’t like to see people accused of crimes they didn’t do, especially family and friends. I know what that feels like. I wouldn’t wish that on anyone.

In a few sentences, what is a typical day in your life like?
I usually get up around eight or so, unless I’ve been working really late. Then I allow myself to sleep in. I eat breakfast in front of my computer while I read email and figure out what I want to get accomplished that day. Then I set to work. Sometimes I take a break and head downtown to help my mother at her store or have lunch with Liz. Evenings I spend with Martin or Liz or my parents unless I have a lot of work to do. Then I’m on my computer until late. Sometimes it’s just me and Sekhmet hanging out at home together, watching a movie or working on a painting project.

You can read more about Rory in Ghosts of Painting Past, the fifth book in the “Aurora Anderson” cozy mystery series, released November 19, 2019.

It’s Christmastime in the quiet Los Angeles County city of Vista Beach, home of computer programmer and tole-painting enthusiast Aurora (Rory) Anderson. The magic of the season fills the air as residents enjoy school concerts, a pier lighting ceremony and the annual sand-snowman contest.

During the weeks leading up to Christmas, Rory plans on painting ornaments to sell at the local craft fair and joining in on the holiday fun. But she finds the season anything but jolly after the house across the street is torn down, revealing a decades old crime. Past meets present when her father is implicated in the murder.

Fearing for her father’s future, Rory launches her own investigation, intent on discovering the truth and clearing his name.

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About the author
Sybil Johnson writes the Aurora Anderson mystery series, featuring computer programmer and decorative painting enthusiast, Aurora (Rory) Anderson. Originally from the Pacific Northwest, Sybil wields pen and paintbrush at her home in Southern California. You can visit her at

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