Thank you for this opportunity to speak with you, Ms. Love. I’ve turned down numerous media requests, but I understand you are fair and open-minded – qualities I value and respect. You probably want to talk about the rumors of secret NASA experiments on Wallops Island or the time traveling alien Curators or my son, “the platinum-haired boy savior.” I don’t know how those internet rumors got started. I hope this interview sets the record straight.

I suppose I should introduce myself. My name is Constance Roy and I’m a professor of environmental science. My research specialty is colony collapse in honey bees. I’m also a single parent to my son, Nicholas. He is the most important person in the world to me and a brilliant ten-year-old, if I do say so myself. A typical day consists of breakfast with Nicholas then off to school – first him, then me – teaching a class or two, work in the lab, back home for dinner in front of the television, and then reading Nicholas and myself to sleep.

My life was routine – just the way I liked it – until the morning I received a call summoning me to meet Dr. Malic, my research benefactor and the head of a secretive corporation housed at NASA’s Wallops Flight Facility. If you’ve never been to Wallops Island, it is located just across the channel from Chincoteague Island, a charming seaside community known for the ponies made famous by Marguerite Henry’s Misty of Chincoteague. Wallops is also home to NASA’s high tech space facility.

I had some misgivings about the trip and meeting at Wallops. You see, I had violated a specific term of my contract with Dr. Malic, and I was sure that that was the reason I was being summoned. The circumstances of my mother’s death had always been a mystery to me. I had no idea that the visit to Wallops and Chincoteague would lead me to discover the cause of her death and other secrets my father took to his grave.

Before I go any further, I want to stress that what I’m about to tell you is strictly off the record. During my trip to Wallops, it was revealed to me that, in a parallel universe, there was another version of me trapped on a doomed spaceship, and this other me desperately needed my help. I know it sounds crazy. I didn’t believe it myself at first. But I promise you it’s the truth. I suspect you’d like to hear more. I know I agreed to give you a full interview, but now I’m afraid if I continue I may endanger the people I love. I may have said too much already. Perhaps the other Constance could tell you more. If only you could talk to her. . .

When Earth Shall Be No More
Genre: Sci-Fi Thriller
Release: May 2022
Purchase Link

An intriguing debut sci-fi thriller featuring a scientist heroine, the multiverse, and a NASA spaceport on Wallops Island, Virginia.

Environmental scientist Constance Roy is one of forty-nine refugees rescued from Earth’s destruction and transported to the ark spaceship Orb by an automaton race called the Curators. Twelve months have passed since their rescue. But now, with the ship’s orbit decaying, the refugees seem doomed to crash into Jupiter’s fiery belly.

In a parallel universe on present-day Earth, another version of Constance seeks answers to the questions that have haunted her since childhood: How and why did her mother die? The head of a mysterious corporation housed at NASA’s Wallops Flight Facility can give her the answers, but not without a price.

Two timestreams collide when the Constance on Earth discovers that Nicolas, her son, has the ability to save the Orb and its inhabitants. Now she must battle treacherous Curators wishing to destroy Nicolas, while on the Orb, another Constance must fight to save the ship from Jupiter’s fatal pull.

About the authors
Paul Awad and Kathryn O’Sullivan are an award-winning husband and wife writing and filmmaking team. They have collaborated on feature and documentary films, screenplays, and web series. Paul teaches cinema and Kathryn teaches theatre at Northern Virginia Community College. Kathryn is also the author of the Colleen McCabe mystery series. They live in Reston, Virginia with their rescue cat, Oscar. Visit their websites at and

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