Award winning author Kate Carlisle spent over twenty years working in television production as an Associate kate carlisleDirector for game and variety shows, including The Midnight Special, Solid Gold and The Gong Show. She traveled the world as a Dating Game chaperone and performed strange acts of silliness on The Gong Show. She also studied acting and singing, toiled in vineyards, collected books, joined a commune, sold fried chicken, modeled spring fashions and worked for a cruise ship line, but it was the year she spent in law school that finally drove her to begin writing fiction. It seemed the safest way to kill off her professors. Those professors are breathing easier now that Kate spends most of her time writing near the beach in Southern California where she lives with her perfect husband.

A lifelong love of old books and an appreciation of the art of bookbinding led Kate to create the Bibliophile Mysteries, featuring rare book expert Brooklyn Wainwright, whose bookbinding and restoration skills invariably uncover old secrets, treachery and murder. Find Kate online at

cookbook conspiracyMy name is Stone. Derek Stone.

Apologies. I couldn’t resist the obvious James Bond reference, as every American I meet seems to immediately leap to comparisons. I am British. I wear decent suits, drive a nice car. I work in security. The resemblance ends there. I do not have a license to kill, nor do I want one. In point of fact, I’d be quite happy to see less killing, considering that my partner seems to draw so bloody many murderers into her life. Who would have guessed that bookbinding would be more dangerous than running an international security firm?

My partner is Brooklyn Wainwright. Girlfriend, I suppose I should say as I live in America now. “Partner” seems to have a somewhat different connotation, particularly here in San Francisco. She is most assuredly a she, and a lovely she, at that.

Brooklyn has decided that I must miss British food, having moved to America to be with her. I haven’t the heart to tell her that I have never loved British food. Now if she could make a decent curry… But no, British food is too often a bland, soggy mess even from the most talented chefs. Which she most assuredly is not. However, she’s so delightfully earnest in the attempt to cook for me that I hold my tongue.

All of the culinary skills in the family went to her sister Savannah, a chef. Savannah trained at Le Cordon Bleu in Paris. A few of her friends from school are due to visit any day now, including an ex-boyfriend whom Brooklyn says is a cad of the first order. He is a famous television chef, and though I don’t follow celebrity gossip, even I have heard of his exceedingly nasty behavior. He had better be cautious. Someday, someone he offends may injure him . . . or worse.

In A COOKBOOK CONSPIRACY, Derek’s prediction will come true. But what Derek can’t possibly know is that Brooklyn’s sister Savannah will become the prime suspect in Chef Baxter’s grisly murder. Brooklyn will do anything to prove her sister’s innocence – even risk her own life.

What is your favorite ethnicity of food? Italian? Mexican? (Will anyone say “British,” I wonder?)

The Cozy Mystery KateCarlisleTour Book Tour is giving away one (1) copy of A COOKBOOK CONSPIRACY. Leave a comment to be included in the giveaway. Contest ends at midnight June 5, EST; US entries only, at the Cozy Mystery Tour’s request.

Books are available at retail and online booksellers.