guaranteed to bleedCoffee, that’s how to start a day. Well, that’s how to start my day. A morning without coffee would be like a golf course without putting greens, a tennis court without a net, a pool without water. In a word—incomplete.

Best of all? Gone are the days of stainless percolators and endless waits. I don’t know how a person can burn coffee, but I can. If my daughter were here, she’d roll her eyes and tell you I can burn water. Teenagers.

Mr. Coffee has changed my life. First off, unlike that cold stainless steel percolator, he’s cheerful. Who wouldn’t smile at his sunny, yellow gingham? Second, he’s dependable. He’s there when I need him—morning (when I really need him), noon or night. Finally, he does exactly as he promises—a perfect cup of coffee every time I push his buttons.

Almost makes you wish men were more like Mr. Coffee. . .

Most nights, I fill him with water and grounds before I go to bed. That way, I need only push a button as I stumble through the kitchen to let Max the naughty Weimaraner out in the backyard.

SamIn the summer, I follow my first cup of coffee with a swim at the country club. Now that it’s fall, I go for a run. If the weather meets with his approval, Max joins me.

By the time I’m back, Grace is up and I fix her breakfast—Life cereal poured into a bowl. Not even I can burn that. When, she leaves, I don painting clothes and climb the stairs to the third floor ballroom—now my studio.

I paint. If I’m lucky, I paint until Grace gets home from school. If I’m unlucky (I’m seldom lucky) I paint until I have to get ready for a bridge game or golf game or committee meeting. On lucky days, my housekeeper, Aggie, brings me lunch. On unlucky days, you’ll find me dining at the country club.

So, that’s it. Typical, boring, hum-drum days.

The problem is that since I started finding bodies, no day is typical.

You can read more about Ellison in Guaranteed To Bleed, the second book in the “Country Club” mystery series, published by Henery Press. The first book in the series is The Deep End.

GIVEAWAY: Leave a comment by noon eastern on Friday, October 23 for your chance to win a digital copy of The Deep End.  Good luck everyone!

About the author
Julie Mulhern is a Kansas City native who grew up on a steady diet of Agatha Christie. She spends her spare time whipping up gourmet meals for her family, working out at the gym and finding new ways to keep her house spotlessly clean–and she’s got an active imagination. Truth is–she’s an expert at calling for take-out, she grumbles about walking the dog and the dust bunnies under the bed have grown into dust lions.

Her first romance was a finalist in the 2014 Golden Heart® contest. That book, A Haunting Desire released July 28, 2015.

Julie also writes mysteries. The Deep End (available now) is her first mystery and is the winner of The Sheila Award. Look for book two, Guaranteed to Bleed, recently released October 13, 2015.

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