They say “do what you love and the money will follow.” What I wanted to know was, how exactly does this cash “follow”? Is it dropped by a stork in a bag with dollar signs on it? Would I find a check stuffed in a super-sized fortune cookie? Or maybe the odd change that settled in the couch cushions would turn out to be hundred-dollar bills? I was waiting.

As I stitched my latest kite design in the kitchen-slash-studio in the Victorian house that housed Strings Attached, my kite shop, I reflected that I’d nailed step one. I was definitely doing what I loved. For an artist like me, kites had the advantage over paintings in that they shimmered in the wind and caught the sun. Rock Point’s rugged coastline, fir-trimmed hills, and sunbeaten fishermen’s cottages teemed with inspiration. Plus, my best friend Avery lived here, making the best lattes and tuna melts on the West Coast at her café and sharing her family’s old cabin with me.

And business was good—for the moment. Now, it’s August, and the beach swarmed with families chasing waves, digging for clams, and, yes, flying kites. The winter months would be a different story. Few people want to battle Oregon’s cold and drizzle with a kite when they could be enjoying an ocean view from a cozy armchair by the fire.

Which is why I had to win Best of Show at Rock Point’s annual kite festival. The resulting publicity would draw hordes of customers to my online shop. The trouble was that kite designers from up and down the coast competed in the kite festival—and one of them would almost certainly be Jack Sullivan, the way-too-attractive owner of Rock Point’s other kite shop.

I pieced a triangle of emerald mylar on my kite and hand-basted it to the sheer base fabric. This kite would win the contest. It had to. It was one of my most beautiful designs yet, a panorama of Rock Point appliqued to glow like a stained-glass window at twilight.

I looked up at the sound of knocking at the shop’s front door. Strings Attached wasn’t due to open for a while—the shop’s hours were clearly marked. I set my kite aside. Maybe this was the money the old saying had promised. Ha ha. With the way my life had been lately, just about anyone could be on the other side of the door. I rose to answer it.

You can read more about Emma in Live and Let Fly, the second book in the “Kite Shop” mystery series.

Kite shop owner Emmy Adler becomes the prime suspect in a murder investigation that could send her dreams crashing to the ground. . .

With summer drawing to a close in Rock Point, Oregon, Emmy Adler hopes to beat the seasonal drop in business by winning the annual kite festival. What better way to garner publicity for the handmade kites sold in her shop, Strings Attached? In the days leading up to the festival, Emmy’s ambitions are soaring. Even an argument with reality TV star and contest judge Jasmine Normand can’t bring her down. But when Jasmine is found dead the morning after their altercation, Emmy’s no longer flying high.

When the police open an investigation into Jasmine’s death and deem it a murder, Emmy falls under suspicion. With a national tabloid reporter convinced that she is guilty and business at her shop at a standstill, Emmy has to trade kite making for crime solving—or find all of her ambitions blown off course.

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About the author
clover-tateClover Tate is the pen name of Angela M. Sanders, author of the Joanna Hayworth vintage clothing mysteries and the Booster Club capers. Live and Let Fly is the second novel in the Kite Shop mysteries set in the coastal town of Rock Point, Oregon. When Angela isn’t at her laptop, she’s rummaging in thrift shops, lounging with a book and her ex-shelter cats Squeaky and Bitsy la Mouche, and pontificating about how to make the perfect martini. Connect with Angela at

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