death time iceI am called Enga Dancing Flower. No one knows the name I was given when I was born, or that of my birth sister, but we were called Enga and Ung when we were found and brought into the tribe. The Hamapa tribe is most generous and kind.

The name Enga Dancing Flower was given to me at my Naming Ceremony, when I had passed fifteen summers. At that time I was the best dancer in the tribe, and am yet now. My birth sister was given the name Ung Strong Arm, as she is the best spear thrower.

This morning, when I awoke in our wipiti, I was warm. When I left my furs, I felt the cold in the air. The Cold Season is approaching.

At first sun, I lifted the flap of mammoth hide and looked out on our village. First I sniffed. The smoke from the large fire of our gathering in the dark time hung in the air. More cold air poured in. Ung stirred in her sleep and sent me a private thought, cloaked in dark colors, Put the flap down! You are freezing me! I knew she was teasing me, as she does. We were born together and have been together ever since. We will remain together until one of us takes a mate. That may be soon since we have passed another summer since our Naming.

Across the Paved Place, its close-fitting flat stones catching the first rays from Sister Sun, I saw the New One, a strange outsider that our tribe had taken in. The New One is not like us. He is spindly and tall, and his skin is pale. I would not like to touch it. He was already stirring, making his way back from the stream with a gourd full of water. He gave me one of his unreadable looks. Sometimes I wonder if he desires a coupling with me. I cannot not tell. He does not understand our thought-speak.

After I stepped outside, I got the water for Ung and me. When I returned, she had laid out strips of dry peccary meat for us, just outside our wipiti. The other brothers and sisters of our tribe were either sitting and eating at that same time or had finished and were off doing their tasks for the day.

Ung spent the time until high sun fastening a new tip onto her spear pole with strips of sinew that she made from the last musk ox we had taken. I needed to mend my foot coverings for the coming of Cold Season. After high sun, Ung and I went together into the woods to gather whatever we could find, nuts and berries. We do not like to eat these, but the meat will be gone soon.

The scouts of our tribe have recently spotted a large of mammoth at the watering spot. We must bring one down tomorrow. It has been many suns since our bellies have been full. I must dance my best tonight at the Asking Ceremony so that the favor of the Spirits will shine on us when Sister Sun appears again and we hunt. I would also like for Tog Flint Shaper of the broad back and muscular arms to notice my dancing.

Kaye is giving away one (1) PDF copy of DEATH IN THE TIME OF ICE, which can be loaded onto your e-reader. Leave a comment to be included in the giveaway. Contest ends June 25.

You can read more about Enga Dancing Flower in Death in the Time of Ice, the first book in the new “People of the Wind” mystery series, published by Untreed Reads.

Meet the author
Kaye George is a short story writer and novelist who has been nominated for Agatha awards twice. She is the author of four mystery series: the Imogene Duckworthy humorous Texas series, the Cressa Carraway musical mystery series, the FAT CAT cozy series, and The People of the Wind Neanderthal series.

Her short stories can be found in her collection, A PATCHWORK OF STORIES, as well as in several anthologies, various online and print magazines. She reviews for “Suspense Magazine”, writes for several newsletters and blogs, and gives workshops on short story writing and promotion. Kaye lives in Knoxville, TN.

You can reach Kaye on her website, Facebook or on Twitter.

Book is available at online booksellers.