When I was pregnant, all the mothers I knew advised me to stock up on sleep. Can someone invent a way to stockpile sleep before I get pregnant again?

The above sentence Is high on the list of things ex-nun me would never have imagined saying, not in a million years.

Please don’t get me wrong: I love my life. I have a great husband, an amazing baby, and a thriving detective business. I could use a nap, though. A week-long nap to be precise.

Did I mention the ghosts? Yes, ghosts exist and they don’t respect your personal space until you lay down the law. I’m a married woman and no ghost is entering my bedroom if they want my help catching their murderer.

I will admit that sometimes I prefer the ghosts to our living clients. Our current ones are the poster children for dysfunctional families. I wanted to give them boxing gloves before they’d been in the office five minutes. And what do they want? Money. It’s always about money with this type of client. They think their eccentric relation hid money in the house because he willed away all the traceable assets to paranormal societies and artist colonies.

Since diapers (for the baby) and coffee (for me) cost money, Driscoll Investigations will be attending the Mardi Gras Charity Gala. I resent evenings away from the baby, but Frank and I are pretending it’s a date night. You do what you have to, especially with The Scoop’s precocious son involved. He thinks he has a ghost trapped in his science fair project, and is going to let partygoers ask it questions for a donation to charity.

I don’t know what sin I committed to have The Scoop breathing down my neck all the time, but I hope it was a good one. If they keep hounding me, it’s likely I haven’t yet committed the sin. But since I couldn’t see the baby if I got arrested, I’ll have to behave.

I wonder if I can hire one of the ghosts to do me a favor?

You can read more about Giulia in Better Than Nun, the sixth book in the “Giulia Driscoll” mystery series, released May 21, 2019.

Ghosts for Mardi Gras

Giulia Driscoll used to say running a detective agency was the busiest job she’d ever had. Then the ghosts showed up, and she figured now she’s the busiest ever. This of course challenged the Universe to say, “Hold my beer.”

Today she’s running the agency, sleuthing on behalf of the ghosts, and being the mother of a two-month-old. At last she understands those 5-Hour Energy commercials.

The Universe then dropped two clients in her lap for Mardi Gras: a family greedy to find hidden money and the son of her least-favorite person, Ken Kanning of The Scoop. The positive: a date night! The not-so-positive: it’s a working date night. Driscoll Investigations is joining the big Mardi Gras costume charity gala to search for potential thieves. Kanning Junior will be at the party showing off his tame ghost.

The Scoop, a few hundred drunk revelers, a mercenary family, and a ghost who isn’t as tame as the kid thinks. What could possibly go wrong?

Did someone just hear the Universe say, “Hold my beer”?

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About the author
Baker of brownies and tormenter of characters, Alice Loweecey celebrates the day she jumped the wall with as much enthusiasm as her birthday. She grew up watching Hammer horror films and Scooby-Doo mysteries, which explains a whole lot. When she’s not creating trouble for her sleuth Giulia Driscoll or inspiring nightmares as her alter-ego Kate Morgan, she can be found growing vegetables in her garden and water lilies in her koi pond.

All comments are welcomed.

Thanks to Alice Loweecey for donating a print copy of Better Than Nun. Giveaway ends May 24, 2019 and is limited to U.S. residents. Please leave comment in box below. The winner will be notified by email (so check your spam folder). Good luck everyone!